As part of PGP program, IIM Nagpur offers a week-long international immersion module to its students. The objective of this course to provide exposure to another country’s business culture, traditions and practices.
Japan, is home to some of the largest economic powerhouses. It is the land where principles such as Kaizen, Jidoka are evolved now widely adopted across many industries. Our tour to Japan started from Tokyo metropolis which is home to roughly 10% of Japan’s population. We stayed at the Marunouchi bay area, a business district in Tokyo which provided us with a chance to witness first-hand the daily life of typical corporate employees called salaryman. It is a society built on rules, where responsibilities are defined for every person and followed strictly. Hence in 7 decades since the second world war, it not only risen as a global power but did it in an environmentally sustainable manner. The impact from such culture will help in moulding managers of tomorrow. The module is designed in a way that students were exposed to various facets of management principles that are taught in the classroom. We had a chance to interact with executives from companies working in the space of manufacturing, logistics, banking, e-commerce, tourism, and green technology.
One of the reasons for Japan’s economic boom is technological development from its manufacturing sectors. Some of the companies which symbolize this perfectly are Toyota and Nissan. The first leg of the tour we visited the manufacturing plants of the both Toyota and Nissan we had the opportunity to see the process mixed model production line, the methodology of Kaizen, Jidoka, Andon systems. The interesting learning from the visit is the absence of a dedicated quality assurance team in the plant. Instead of checking the vehicles at the end of the line, quality assurance is done at every stage of the manufacturing which means greater accountability and responsibility is attributed to its workers.
Japan has one of the most efficient railway networks of Shinkansen (Bullet Trains). During our visit to Tokyo metro station, we witnessed the “7-minute miracle” cleaning of a Shinkansen and chance to interact with executives from the international business of JR East who are also technology advisors to bullet train project between Ahmedabad and Mumbai in India.
We had the opportunity to interact with executives from companies like Seven Eleven Corporation, EcoCycle Corporation, MUFG and Rakuten who briefed us on the business practices followed by these companies.
In the last leg of the tour, we had the privilege of interacting with the Indian Ambassador to Japan His Excellency Mr Sujan R. Chinoy, who shared his views on Japanese culture, learning we should take away from the tour. The key takeaway from the entire tour is “customer first” attitude which is followed religiously by companies.
Adhishwar Adhishwar
You managed to get a seat at IIM-Indore though you scored only a 98.7 (which is low for the BLACKI IIMs. Otherwise its a fabulous score) percentile in CAT and with a very low GPA of 5-6~ . How did you manage this? Every blog/forum I read tells me that you need 99+ for a GEM candidate to get admission at BLACKI IIMs.
16 Jul 2020, 04.43 PM
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Sarthak Bhatt
PGPM at IIM Indore'22 | DCE'20 | CAT2019 - 98.7%ile (VARC - 99.13, Quant - 98.51)
IIM Indore does not consider GPA, and gives heavy weightage to 10th and 12th. Also, my interview went brilliant and it carries heavy weightage in final score and I just scraped in, in the recent lists. So, it was a very anxious wait and I too felt at times that I would not make it. Also, the difference between 98.7 and 99 is of about 3-4 marks, thereby not affecting your rank much in the final selection (once you receive the call). If I had 99%ile, my rank would only be slightly better and I would have converted perhaps 1-2 lists ago. GEMs have received calls from Indore at 98%ile as well, as have GEMs with work experience received Bangalore calls at 98. So just focus on doing your best and the rest will follow. 99 is usually a convenient "milestone" to name or say. A couple of marks here and there, and the call/conversion isn't much different.
16 Jul 2020, 04.46 PMEdited |
Adhishwar Adhishwar
Oh ok. Thank you. The fact that you got in in the third list clears things up. I hadn't considered that view point. Yes I understand that 98.7-99 shouldn't be much of a difference. May make it. May not make it. Thank you for your insights on CAT prep and all the best for your upcoming MBA program :D
16 Jul 2020, 07.27 PM |
Sarthak Bhatt
PGPM at IIM Indore'22 | DCE'20 | CAT2019 - 98.7%ile (VARC - 99.13, Quant - 98.51)
Actually for what it's worth, i converted in the 6th list (at margin), so yeah, a higher %ile would have lessened my anxiety. Thank you and best of luck to you for your attempt as well :)
16 Jul 2020, 08.01 PM |
Vivek Pratap Singh
Nicely written:) I wanted to ask if 10 CGPA in 10th, and 92.6% in 12th both CBSE, would invite an IIM I call (For say a CAT percentile of 99.5)? An honest opinion is required.
16 Jul 2020, 09.34 PM
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Vivek Pratap Singh
Considering GEM profile!
16 Jul 2020, 09.36 PM |
Sarthak Bhatt
PGPM at IIM Indore'22 | DCE'20 | CAT2019 - 98.7%ile (VARC - 99.13, Quant - 98.51)
I can't say for sure but chances seem average due to 12th. Also, criteria changes almost every year for each IIM, so they could change it this year as well. No one can precisely predict whether a call would come or not. I've seen people with 99.5%ile get no IIM call (GEM freshers ofc), despite 90+ acads, and I did not expect a call at my score. Thankfully my 10+2 got me a borderline chance and i got through. Do not fret over such things which are now outside your control. Instead divert your energy to your percentile and GPA (if you're in college).
16 Jul 2020, 11.11 PM |
Adhishwar Adhishwar
Did you manage to improve your CGPA towards the end of your undergrad? What was your CGPA at the end of 7th and 8th semesters? Also, do you think not having WAT as a component in the admissions criteria helped your case to get an admit?
17 Jul 2020, 06.26 PMEdited
+Read Replies (1)
Sarthak Bhatt
PGPM at IIM Indore'22 | DCE'20 | CAT2019 - 98.7%ile (VARC - 99.13, Quant - 98.51)
I scored a higher GPA each semester. I graduated with 7 GPA this year and had a GPA of 6.5 overall during my interviews. And not having the WAT component hurt me as it went pretty well for me. I genuinely feel my rank would have been better if WAT had been included. I love writing and verbal has always been my strongest suite, be it writing or speaking (interviews, GDs). But no worries, the interview went well and it has the most weightage.
17 Jul 2020, 06.48 PM |