It was the first day of class in a B-school for me. I came from an engineering background and had very little knowledge about business subjects. The name of the Professor was Dhananjay Bapat and the course was Marketing management 1. The professor asks “What’s the difference between a consumer and a customer?”. Suddenly I saw around 25-30 hands eager to answer the questions.
I never saw a batch of enthusiastic and vibrant students fighting for a chance to answer the question. I remembered I was in a class of CAT toppers who cleared the cutoff, interview and are sitting beside me. These people are going to be tomorrow’s managers and are definitely some of the great minds of India. This was my first step in Management education. Someone gave a theoretical answer to the question. It was followed by a spontaneous answer “If my Dad bought a toffee for me and I ate it, My Dad would be the customer and I would be the consumer”. That was one of the best ways of answering such a simple question which was straight to the point and anyone can understand and relate to the situation. I was learning my first lessons in management from that class. Being an engineer without any work experience these lessons were very important to me. Even though I hadn’t thought of future specializations I could see a very good future for me.
During my first couple of days in IIM Raipur, I met many people from different parts of the country. The learning experience with people of diverse backgrounds is a totally different experience. The seniors were very supportive and insisted on approaching them for any help.
Which ABG company you want to work for and why?
I would like to work for Idea Cellular Limited because the telecom industry is an ever-evolving industry. Introduction of new generations of technology attracts more companies and opportunities for current players to dominate the sector. Good service and support attract more customers. Currently, Idea is having a good reputation for its service and a large customer base. After the introduction of MNP(Mobile Number Portability) the possibilities have increased. I believe Idea can attract customers from other networks by giving attractive tariff plans and providing best services.
Nithin K S is a 1st-year student at IIM Raipur.
Sai Teja Akavaram
MBA Student at IIM-Raipur
nicely written!!
22 Jul 2018, 06.52 PM
luqman saood
Management Student at IIM Raipur . MBA batch 2018-20
That was a good piece of write up !
22 Jul 2018, 07.30 PM
Venu Vardhan
Venu Vardhan PGP 2018-20, IIM Raipur
Interesting article
25 Jul 2018, 08.56 PM