One of the most important questions in the minds of those looking to pursue an MBA or already in a b-school is - where are the alumni of India's top business schools flocking to? Where do IIM alumni end up working after an MBA? What are some trends that emerge? The Alumni Report series, which is based on hard numbers and data, aims to answer these questions and identify some interesting trends around where alumni of top business schools actually end up! This part of the Alumni Report series takes a look at the presence and concentration of b-school alumni at India's most desirable Consulting firms.
What Is The InsideIIM Alumni Report? What Data Is It Based On?
The Alumni Report series, which first began in 2012, is an analysis of the concentration of alumni of top b-schools at India's most desirable companies to work with, as per MBA students and graduates. This series aims to answer the all-important question - where are MBA graduates from top b-schools working now? For current MBA students, this report aims to provide an estimate of which top companies have the highest concentration of their respective institutes' alumni.
Vinayak Joshi
Can you do this for finance and investment companies?
28 Jul 2020, 03.53 PM