KSHITIJ 2012, a flagship event of CII Yi team of XLRI, has now evolved as a platform that provides unique opportunity to school children of Jamshedpur to showcase their cultural skills. The way this event is different from other event of the city is that it brings in children from all strata of the society and give them equal opportunity. As a teacher of a Government vernacular medium school rightly depicts,’ Our schools are always neglected in School fests of renowned city schools but through KSHITIJ we are able to show that our students are equally talented’
This year KSHITIJ witnessed a growth in overall participation. According to Debroop Sengupta, Secretary of Yi XLRI and head of KSHITIJ organizing committee, XLRI invited around 50 schools and 455 students participated this year. This was an increase of around 51% compared to last year. From this year the organizing committee started a unique initiative. Instead of only a cultural competition the members transformed it into a carnival where the young school kids can enjoy their time at XLRI premises and also interact with XL students and be inspired. The students of XLRI volunteered to serve food to all 455 children and their teachers in the same student mess.

Although the winners were graced with certificates and trophies CII Yi team ensured that each and every 455 participant gets gifts. Chocolates, Cookies and Diaries were distributed by XLRI students to all these kids. On the front page, a one line message was written by the XLRI student that would encourage the kids to continue to work hard and excel in life.
This is not end of KSHITIJ 2012. In October our 12 junior members will adopt 12 of these talented kids after a survey conducted in Jamshedpur Schools. We will support them with note books, tuition fees, uniform and mentor them in their academics.

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Results of the InsideIIM Recruitment Survey 2012
Read everything about XLRI Jamshedpur here
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