Welcome to yet another week of WAT Wednesdays!
To view and to comment on previous week's topics, please click here.
This week’s topic is one statement:
'Machines Will Replace Humans And Jobs Will Be Lost'
Write an essay on it and let us help you get better at it.
This is how it will work:
1) Users can post their essays in the comments section below by logging in through their www.insideiim.com User id.
2) You can write your essay on the topic for the entire week. You can even challenge your friends and make it more interesting!
3) The thread will be moderated by Team InsideIIM to ensure the discussion is kept relevant and is not abusive.
4) On Saturday, experts and industry professionals at InsideIIM (all ex-IIM, XLRI, MICA only) will rate each essay on the thread on the scale of 10 with some guidance.
This exercise may not replace the practice that you may need daily to master WAT but it will definitely help you to shape your line of thought. We will ensure that if you go through these next few weeks with us on this thread you will markedly improve your content. Hopefully, there will be more substance when you actually write an essay/WAT after going through this exercise.