Right off the bat, I'm going to lay out some stats (and hence, a possibly gloomy introduction). My GPA mid-way through my engineering was 5.8 (5.33 & 5.38 in 1st and 2nd semesters respectively). And I do not come from a core or lucrative stream. I also do not possess any coding skills. However I had 10 CGPA in Class 10th and 95% in Class 12th (CBSE boards). This is going to be a detailed preparation guide from my side for anyone who is preapring to "bell the CAT".
The preparation for CAT began as an advice from a close friend, who cited that I have a penchant for human interaction and could also flourish in MBA (yet to test this statement *wink* *wink*). Also that I could give a shot at another 'All-India' exam if I had any fire within me after JEE 2 years ago. So there you have it folks, motivation or a start can come from anywhere and in this case, it was a passionate coder and a close friend (of course, the latter quality led me to take his advice and not his coding credentials :p)
Avneetpal singh Khosa
Management aspirant and engineer by profession
Very well written plight of a GEM in an IIM will change not immediately but definately when he hits a 6 :)
2 Sep 2017, 02.09 PM
Tushar Chugh
Tushar, IIM Rohtak
Poor GEM!
2 Sep 2017, 03.43 PM
Dilip Kumar
I am scared but at the same time motivated, I am GEM with 2 years of IT experience while filling CAT 2017 form. Great story, Thanks.
2 Sep 2017, 10.37 PM
+Read Replies (1)
T V Vijay Venkatesh
Fighting for belling the CAT...
Same here dude :)
6 Sep 2017, 03.54 PM |
pratyush raitan
amazing man , ur hardwork paid off :)
23 Dec 2017, 06.13 PM
Amartya Das
Wow!! Great one
29 Jun 2020, 10.40 AM
Mohit Kumar Sahu
really loved this piece.
22 Nov 2021, 08.30 PM
Mohit Kumar Sahu
really loved this piece.
22 Nov 2021, 08.30 PM