If you were asked to juggle a health condition like PCOD which plays havoc with your hormones at random times, preparation to get into IITs and NITs - the best engineering schools in India and move out of your comfort zone all at once, you might just feel like running away. And furthermore, if you have to deal with the disappointment of not making it to your dream IITs, you might just feel a load of self doubt. Very few people would be able to bounce back from such a failure to not only become award winning students but also Merit Scholarship holders. But that’s what sets Sancy Isaac (SIBM Pune student) apart and among India’s most employable graduates from the Class of 2019-21. That’s why Sancy features as InsideIIM Best 30 this time. Read on to find out more about dealing with failures here!
From Failure To Reach IITs To A Merit Scholar At B-School | Sancy, SIBM, InsideIIM’s Best 30
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