Two themes that have been well executed so far are “Clean your own Mess!” and “Less Plastic, Fantastic!”. The “Clean your own Mess” initiative was aimed at urging everybody to make sure that the Bistro (in-house café) is maintained as clean as possible by the students themselves. Various posters were floated and word-of-mouth awareness campaigns were conducted to sensitize the participants (yes, the students of SPJIMR are called participants, as we are all participating towards the greater goal) regarding the importance of keeping our surroundings clean.
The committee also took up a “Less Plastic. Fantastic!” campaign to move towards a plastic free campus. As a part of future initiatives, the committee is considering the feasibility of running an in-campus compost pit and conducting energy audit.
With all these efforts, the committee tries and strives to stay true to their tagline- Big change starts with the simple step of awareness!