I would extend my gratitude to SCMHRD, Pune for providing me this opportunity and also giving me able guidance before the internship by providing raw skills and knowledge which I could work upon to further sharpen these tools. Understanding of concepts of marketing like digital marketing or SEO was helpful for me to analyze the project deeper. Availability of the faculty during tough times was really helpful and gave us a lifeline in case of problems. Also working on excel and presentation skills would be a major differentiator as it could be the easiest way to stand out for the reviews. Since my project was allotted a week before my internship, I took this week to understand the problem and also complete certain courses related to the project which was helpful for me to get into the thick of things once the internship started.
The advice I would give to the next batch would be to have an understanding about the industry of the company and about the vision and mission of the company, which could be a way to crack the interview. Prerequisite knowledge on soft wares like Excel and Presentation could be a major differentiator for you to stand out amongst the rest. Finally, give it your best and cherish every moment of those two moments and grasp every bit of knowledge you can as hands on experience will always be more prominent than textbook knowledge.