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The Science Behind Pepsi's 'PepsiMoji' Campaign - Strategy With RS


Abhilash Bisht

MBA Student

A good case and perfectly analysed. I'll be a bit specific here. Emojis were invented way back in 90s but became popular when they were introduced in iPhone and WhatsApp. There are obviously variations of them with different designs and shapes but they are not that popular among masses. I doubt if it will be a successful campaign as the idea is a bit too cliché now. To position it in the minds of customers, how Coco cola has done with the color red, is very difficult.

29 Apr 2016, 05.33 PM

Rajesh Srivastava

Abhilash, take 'mud tea cup' - called 'khular' in many parts of India. It has been around for decades. Today when tea is served in 'khular' it commands a premium price .... Why? Because sustainability is a desirable. Same is true for this campaign .. I think it will be successful because of the way in which it is executed ...

30 Apr 2016, 08.14 AM

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Abhilash Bisht

MBA Student

A good case and perfectly analysed. I'll be a bit specific here. Emojis were invented way back in 90s but became popular when they were introduced in iPhone and WhatsApp. There are obviously variations of them with different designs and shapes but they are not that popular among masses. I doubt if it will be a successful campaign as the idea is a bit too cliché now. To position it in the minds of customers, how Coco cola has done with the color red, is very difficult.

29 Apr 2016, 05.33 PM

Rajesh Srivastava

Abhilash, take 'mud tea cup' - called 'khular' in many parts of India. It has been around for decades. Today when tea is served in 'khular' it commands a premium price .... Why? Because sustainability is a desirable. Same is true for this campaign .. I think it will be successful because of the way in which it is executed ...

30 Apr 2016, 08.14 AM