3. Each section is of high value. Devote one day each for the three sections and reserve the last day only for practising problems.
4. Don’t miss out the past papers of CAT. You may not find the exact questions in the exams but they will give you the taste of the actual test.
5. Try out at most 2 mock tests in the remaining days- this will boost your confidence and aid you to figure out if you missed on anything critical. Spend maximum time on analysing the tests; this will help you with your strengths and weaknesses.
6. Every time you opt for practice problems or mock tests, do it with a time limit. This will help you improve your speed.
7. Devote some time for an online calculator if you are not fast with numbers.
8. Gain the habit of scanning every section before you start – not more than 3-5 minutes. This will be useful in identifying your initial targets.
https://www.facebook.com/IIM-Raipurs-Bell-the-CAT-Tips-1283557711685779/?fref=tsain swings with CAT just 4 days away.
Wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction!
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