Life is more than about giving your best, it is more than about working hard, it is more than being a performer. While all that is important, you learn to grow up, and to just be better at accomplishing your potential. IIM Rohtak is where many of us broke out of the mould of the conventional, and like you; we are:
-Cognitively flexible – Creativity and analytical thinking are not different things for you, you find it easy mix and match and come up with something original.
-Disciplined, not dogmatic – You are one of those people who are self-disciplined, but you know, that you do not need a stuffy exterior, you scoff at rigid playbooks that rule how you go about situations. You are fair, firm and yet flexible and understanding, that is what sets you apart.
-Mature with situations- You are a proactive individual, acting almost as if on instinct to changing situations, but never impulsively, and even if impulsively, you are not one to shirk responsibility for your actions. You are just that strong.
-Team players – Unlike territorial sharks who do not allow other apex predators in their neighbourhoods, you are more a team player, you are more than capable to take on tasks, but you work even better with other exceptional individuals like you.
You are all of that and so much more; strong, able to make the most of demanding situations, but not willing to bend to anything unreasonable, willing to put in an almost impossible amount of work to achieve some improbable results. You are just that good, and you get even more practice at being more than just “good enough” at IIM Rohtak.
Always exceptional, always just that much better, always . Tell you what, you are a Kathor (reverse of Rohtak).
Kathor is an endearment, a label, a moniker, but not a gimmick. As near as is possible, you personify the word Kathor, literally translated; “strong”; you re-define it with your efforts towards pushing the boundaries of what you thought possible.
You see once you are a student at IIM Rohtak, you become a Kathor, no not by default. You earn it, It is the something implacable about every new vibrant batch that comes in to the institute, they leave a mark. The legacies of the past batches are laurels you will not rest on however. You are an impossible force of will. You believe and achieve nothing short of the best.
We would very much like to see you at your campus. You see you would fit right in with other brilliant people just like yourself. But know what? You will be right at home here with us.
At IIM Rohtak you are more than a student; after all learning from books is just passé! For some examples of the dynamism we know you budding Kathors to possess, our institute nurtures your passions and talent, to just give you a look into how your gifts make it into our ecosystem, just have a look:
-Some of you are budding entrepreneurs. IIM Rohtak says - Start-up, Stand up - we have just the thing to help you. “Bizdome” – our very own well-funded (over US$ 1 Million in form of seed funding) start-up incubator to set you on your way. Also we have a deferred placement policy for the ones who are busy setting up their enterprise.
-Some of you may be looking for a career in film making, guess what? We have a visual arts club Explor accredited by the FFSI, and we hold a Film summit to attract attention from the industry.
-Some of you are also interested in oratory; we have the Voice Club to help you take your passion forward.
-You also would like to know and hear from the business leaders right? Management Conclave is a congregation of some of the best minds in business where you get to hear from them and learn about how the world is for these leaders.
-There are also the ones who would want to give back to the society, we have the SDP Cell, the Social Development Projects Cell, a collection of extremely bright individuals just as passionate as you towards social responsibility. Our outreach programmes for the disadvantaged in the Rohtak area, the IIM Rohtak Run For the girl child marathon is an initiative by our institute to increase awareness about the ills of female foeticide and discrimination against women, with help from the faculty this is where you learn how policy and polity work towards social transformation.
-Life is more than about the books and learning and even beyond your passions! We have just the prescription for you, The annual event of IIM Rohtak, Infusion, a melting pot of culture, business and academics, we know just one arena would not be enough to showcase all that you are capable of.
When all is said and done, your achievements will be many, and we celebrate them all. We celebrate wins, efforts and even end of those tiring and hectic term examinations. Midnight Birthday bashes, Placement parties, and of course the “Just because we can” parties, it is all part of life here. WE are sure your parties will be the stuff of legend.
There is just so many things to do, places to visit and work to do, all the while with some of the most interesting and unforgettable people. We are IIM Rohtak, we are Kathors, and we are going to be better because of you.
About the Author:
Subhro Ghosh is a student and gofer at large at IIM Rohtak. He is a Co-ordinator with the Industry Relations and Interaction Cell of the institute. He, despite his advanced years continues trying to fit in. His priorities in life are, sleep, graduation, food, and work, in no particular order.