Time: September 2017
Venue: XIMB
“Do I have any chance of getting shortlisted by YES Bank?” I nervously asked my senior who had also done his internship with a bank.
“Don’t think about things which are beyond your control. Just give it your best”, he replied in an assuring tone. I came back to my room and started to wait for the shortlist. Luckily enough, I was shortlisted. I was very happy and started to prepare for the D-Day. I read about all the major macroeconomic news, recent M&As, some important rates and most importantly about YES Bank as much as I could. Finally, the day arrived and I was the first candidate to be interviewed. Being the first candidate, I had no idea about the general format the interview was going to follow and soon enough I learnt that it did not follow the path of a ‘Typical Interview”. The first question that was asked after greetings was – “So, Ankur, Tell us something about your family.” I was slightly taken aback with the crammed up answer to “Tell me about yourself” still choked up in my throat. However, being from a joint family, I had many things to tell them and quickly did so. After that, a plethora of questions followed and not a single one of them asked for facts. Rather they all were aimed at judging my acumen of the banking industry. Having worked in a leading PSB, I was expecting such questions but the depth was something I did not expect. Apart from one or two minor mistakes, the interview went very good and I was confident that I would make it. Soon enough, I got the good news and the wait to join the esteemed organization began.
Time: April 2018
Venue: Mumbai
After a long wait of 6 months, finally, the day arrived. 2nd April 2018 – the date is going to be permanently etched in my heart. I went to India Bulls Finance Centre where Corporate Office was situated. I was smoothly inducted into the organization on the very first day. After the onboarding, I was instructed to meet my mentor who headed the Wealth Management Department. He is one of the finest gentlemen I’ve ever met. He introduced me to the entire team – the same team whom I miss badly as I write this article. The next two months just seemed to fly with these wonderful colleagues. The learning was also immense.
Major takeaways from the internship:
- Got to Know People: My project required me to interact with different teams, understand their perspectives and gain insights. During the process, I got the opportunity to interact with many people from different backgrounds. The best part about working at YES Bank is the cordial culture inculcated in their employees. Most of the employees were very helpful and also offered suggestions and advice.
- Made Lifelong Relationships: Though two months is a very short duration, the relationships that were forged during these two months will not be short. I met some amazing people there and will make sure that I remain in touch with those people
- The Big Picture: Working in Wealth Management Department had its own set of advantages. I started to understand the economic implications of various national and international developments. My mentor always emphasized – “Don’t work in Silos. Look at the Big Picture.” The internship has really helped me in getting a better understanding of the market.
- Some Technical Jargons: From risk-adjusted return ratios to alpha generation, I learnt many jargons which are a part and parcel of a wealth manager’s typical day. Now, going through an article on Mint or Economic Times is not as boring as it used to be.
- The Ultimate Balance: One of the good things that I liked about the culture at YES Bank is the amazing work-life balance that they maintain. Through their one of a kind program, ‘YES Connect’ they regularly promote extra-curricular activities among their employees. Also, the employees regularly organize cricket and football matches. This strengthens the bond between all the employees.
My advice to future interns:
- Know About the Company: This goes without saying. If you’re applying to a company, read about it. Know the company, its key personnel, key figures and a basic idea about the market and industry in which the company operates. These things will help you in the interview as well as in analyzing whether the company’s philosophy aligns with your own or not.
- Read Newspaper Daily: Make Newspaper a part of your life. You must read it daily. Apart from providing you with facts, it’ll also help you in formulating your opinions. So, read the newspaper daily and become an enlightened student.
- Interact: Always take time out of your busy schedules and interact with people around you – your batch mates, seniors, professors everyone. They’ll help you in broadening your perspective towards various issues. Many times, they can also provide fruitful advice or suggestions.
- Keep Calm and Nail It: Always remember to keep your cool. It’s just one company, just one day. It might not go as you planned it. You’ll get a plethora of opportunities. So, never get disheartened by a rejection. It might be the company’s loss that they lost a great hire.
Ankur Kaushik
Class of 2019
Alka Grover
Wow it's really good information
25 Jun 2018, 09.06 AM