Deciphering the tips and tricks to gain an upper hand in CAT is the talk of the town. With the Common Admission Test 2023 just less than a few weeks away, numerous mentors, teachers, peers, and batchmates will present their respective takes and opinions on how to crack the exam with flying colors. However, amongst the all sections, the trickiest section seems to be the LRDI as it requires a lot of brainstorming for many aspirants (except the geniuses out there).To soothe your stress and improve your score in the LRDI section here are a few tips/techniques listed below. Prepare for LRDI 2023 and have a look at them!
5 Tips: to Prepare for LRDI 2023
- LR ≠ DI:
Instil this equation in your mind. Solving the logical reasoning questions requires different and complicated approaches as compared to the data interpretation section. Additionally, the sets are equally divided into 5 questions for each. Make sure that you gain an edge over either of the two subsections. However, the Strengths might differ for each aspirant. A confident mindset in one of the two might help in picking up questions, analyzing, and even solving them at a faster pace.
2. Scanning:
Mocks are the best places to experiment. You would not want your experiment to fail on D-day—spare five minutes when you switch to Section 2. Scan the paper and look for sets that seem familiar. Practice in mocks and solving a plethora of data sets will help in segregating what to answer and what to leave. CAT tests your ability to leave questions therefore a quick look at the initial few minutes will save time in the later half an hour.
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3. Question paper mode:
The CAT interface during the test might become clumsy to handle, particularly in the LRDI section. With a lot of information spread over a long question, it is aptly suggested to switch to the question paper mode while solving the sets. The same will not only help in rendering ease to take on questions but will also save time in switching through the eight data sets. In the final ten minutes, you can mark your answers. (Do not forget that at all!)
4. Mind-game:
If by any chance, you mess up your Section 2, DO NOT PANIC. That will be the worst gift for your CAT preparation and possibilities. Stay calm. Do not let that negativity slip in the QA section.
5. Perfection:
With a few weeks left for CAT, ensure you do not jump into new and other eternal complicated data sets. This might sound inappropriate but do spend time on the data sets you have solved before. Be it in your mocks, booklets, compendiums, or question banks; revise and practice. You need not answer all the sets in the main paper. Repeated practice of the sets (a considerably high number I am expecting) will enable you to take a straightforward and applied approach rather than taking the road untraveled.
The LRDI section triggers your performance in the following Quant section as well. Stay thorough with your preparations. Taking CAT'22 into account, correctly answering 2 sets would have resulted in a very high percentile. That corresponds to ten minutes per set. But for that, an accurate and precise approach is required. Practicing is the only way to leverage your success and amplify your score and percentile. Additionally, a composed mind for handling the panicky and chaotic situation is the first requisite.
Lastly, Hard work is a vector quantity. Not only does it require a higher magnitude of success, but also a proper direction.
Shoot your arrows in the right direction aspirants! Good Luck!
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