Final Placements : IIM Lucknow - Class of 2012

Mar 28, 2012 | 5 minutes |
IIM Lucknow completed its Final Placements for the Class of 2012 and it seems it won't be too long before it enters the big league (read: IIM ABC) as long as Recruitment in India is concerned. Top Consulting companies like BCG and McKinsey are not only regulars at IIM Lucknow but also they hire in good numbers now. Finance has taken a hit but then that is the case across campuses and hence should not surprise anyone. Other more stable domains like Sales & Marketing, IT etc. have maintained a strong presence as always and should have given a wide variety of choices to graduates of the Class of 2012.  A slightly bigger batch size in a difficult environment would have made it an extremely competitive year especially for the coveted jobs. WATPI S05 - In-Article Top Ad If there is one suggestion we can give to the Class of 2013  and aspirants with calls across IIMs especially at IIMs LIK is that - Your best chance in this scenario is to get a great summer internship and then get a PPO! Reason : We see a rising trend where companies want to use the Summer Internship followed by PPO route to hire fresh graduates rather than visiting campuses again for Finals also. Companies prefer hiring candidates after having spent 2 months with them rather than 20 mins. Just compare the Summer and Final Placement Reports of most IIMs and you'll get the point. You may wait to decide where you want to go till the 6th term only to realise that companies where you want to go don't hire during Final Placements! Please find below the IIM Lucknow Class of 2012 Final Placement information.  IIM Lucknow placement committee also shared with us some interesting statistics on trends which you shall find at the end. kukufm in article Please Note : The companies mentioned include the companies which gave PPOs and may not have visited the campus for Finals.

  Top Recruiters at IIM Lucknow IBM - 20 offers Deloitte - 16 offers Larsen & Toubro - 12 offers Cognizant - 10 offers Boston Consulting Group - 9 offers Procter & Gamble - 8 offers Bharti Airtel - 8 offers Infosys - 8 offers Very Interesting graph - The last one. Shows clearly why 2008 was one of the best years to graduate out of an IIM. We would see a similar offers to company ratio across IIMs if this data was available for 2008. With increasing batch sizes across IIMs, implementation of OBC quota in full, and a worsening global economy  it was natural that more recruiters would have had to be reached out to. IIM Lucknow seems to have done well in that regard. Other interesting trends are: -The sudden pick up in Consulting offers over the last 2 years. This is a trend which you shall observe across top B-Schools in India. -The reliance on Sales & Marketing in bad years. - Not surprisingly a decline in Finance offers over the last 5 years in % terms. Do note however that these percentages need to be looked at in context of the growing batch size over the last 5 years.   We would like to thank the placement committee of IIM Lucknow for providing information in the format yet again after the Summer Placements. We believe it will be of immense help to readers , aspirants and recruiters. IIM Lucknow has gone a step further and given very interesting data over the last 5 years. This is the third in a series of reports that will bring to you. We are committed in bringing you a complete picture. We will also ensure that no irresponsible reporting is done on this website. Attempt will be made to verify the data with the institution before any publishing is done. However, lack of response from the institution will not prevent us from providing insight to our readers. We must also put a disclaimer that despite our best efforts it is not always necessary that the data given to us is 100 % accurate. Other Final Placement Reports for the Class of 2012 : Final Placements :XLRI Jamshedpur – Class of 2012 Final Placements: IIM Bangalore - Class of 2012   The Most definitive Student Exchange Programme Report – 2011 (One of its kind report for top business schools in India)   Articles by IIM L alumni : Kiran Shah   You may also like to read: Final Placements – Class of 2012 : The big test for the IIMs Summer Placements 2011-13 – IIM Bangalore Summer Placements 2011-13 – IIM Calcutta Summer Placements 2011-13 – IIM Lucknow Summer Placements 2011-13 – IIM Indore Summer Placements 2011-13 – IIM Kozhikode Summer Placements 2011-13 – XLRI Jamshedpur Summer Placements 2011-13 – FMS Delhi Summer Placements 2011-13 – JBIMS Mumbai   Our facebook page : InsideIIM Follow us on twitter here : @InsideIIM