Unfortunately, we need to start this report with a very basic disclaimer :
The below data has not been verified by XLRI Jamshedpur's Placement Committee. Despite, repeated emails and a few calls there was no response. Hence, there could be a lot of discrepancy in the data but we have tried our best.
IIM Lucknow,
IIM Kozhikode and
FMS Delhi (Click to open), we did not find the same support or willingness to share from XLRI Jamshedpur. Hence, the report below is InsideIIM's interpretation of the report published on XLRI's Jamshedpur's website based on the experience of people at InsideIIM who are themselves from good business schools of India.
We will not make comments on every domain or sector like the previous reports as that would be unsubstantiated and may even sound speculative in some cases. Just a few general comments and then we let you figure out the rest based on data as we see it.
1) As usual, XLRI Jamshedpur's summer placements have been extremely good this year too. Any aspirant should consider himself/herself lucky to get an admit from XLRI Jamshedpur because of placements too among other things that go into making XLRI Jamshedpur a great business school.
2) Readers must know that the batch 240 comprises of 120 - Business Management and 120 - Personnel Management and Industrial Relations. The report published is for both together. Now, the exact nature of the placements is unclear because no split is available. Traditionally, the PMIR branch (arguably India's best HR management programme) has tended to do better than BM during placements according to experts at InsideIIM (some of whom are pass outs from XLRI Jamshedpur). But with no split available, the reader's must keep this context in mind.
3) There are many other questions - For e.g. If I get admission in PMIR (quant cutoffs have always been lower for PMIR) am I allowed to sit for all BM companies as well and vice-versa? Hopefully, the institution will shed more light on issues like these in the overall spirit of all institutions moving towards more transparency. For example, IIM A very clearly distinguishes placements for its flagship PGP programme and that of the PGP - Agri-Business Management (ABM). In fact there are different placement committees as well.
4) There are bound to be some great Corporate HR roles given the XLRI PMIR programme but no details have been shared.