The official CAT 2023 Response Sheet has been released by IIM LUCKNOW. No matter how high or low your calculated scores might be, you must be curious about your expected percentiles and where you stand among the competition. CAT being a competitive exam, is the percentile you score that matters after all.
How to download the CAT 2023 Response Sheet?
You can download the CAT 2023 response sheet by following the steps given below:-
- Log on to the CAT 2023 official website -
- Click on the registration window and fill in the required details.
- A new tab will open where candidates will be able to access the CAT 2023 response sheet.
- Now, calculate the marks according to the CAT 2023 Exam Pattern. [+3 for every correct answer, -1 for every wrong answer, no negative marks for wrong TITA answers and unattempted questions]
How to Raise Objections to the Response Sheet?
In addition to furnishing the response sheets, the organizing IIM permits candidates to raise objections to the CAT 2023 response key within the stipulated date and time.
Candidates identifying any erroneous elements in the CAT 2023 response sheet should adhere to the following steps to register their objections:
- Visit the official CAT 2023 website.
- Log in using your registration number and password.
- Navigate to the "Challenge the Response Key" option.
- Choose the questions and answers you wish to object to.
- Click on the Objection tab and select "+" to indicate uncertainty.
- A new window will open, allowing candidates to specify the part, question type, and question number for objection.
Check Your Expected CAT 2023 Percentile Here!
Following the pattern from the previous year, aspirants have these options while challenging the answer keys of CAT 2023:
- "The Options are typically Incorrect"
- "The Provided Response Key is Incorrect"
- "More than One Option is Correct"
There is no restriction on the number of complaints that can be raised, meaning candidates can submit more than one objection. However, for each objection, candidates are required to pay an objection-raising fee of INR 1200.
To help you gauge the percentile you are likely to score in CAT 2023, we present to you InsideIIM’s Percentile Predictor which would calculate your approximate percentiles based on your total attempted correct and incorrect questions.
Also to avoid the hassle of manually calculating your scores, you can just enter your number of attempted questions, and correct and incorrect answers, and you would get your exact scores and projected percentiles here. All the Best!
Frequently asked questions
- How can I download the CAT 2023 Response Sheet?
To download the CAT 2023 Response Sheet, visit, click on the registration window, fill in the required details, and access the response sheet.
2. What is the process for raising objections to the CAT 2023 Response Sheet?
Log in to the official CAT 2023 website, use your registration number and password, navigate to "Challenge the Response Key," select questions to object, and pay INR 1200 for each objection.
- What is the CAT 2023 Exam Pattern for calculating marks?
Calculate your CAT 2023 marks using the exam pattern: +3 for correct answers, -1 for wrong answers, and no negative marks for wrong TITA answers or unattempted questions.
- What are the options for objections to CAT 2023 answer keys, and is there a limit on the number of complaints I can raise?
Options for objections include "Options are typically Incorrect," "Provided Response Key is Incorrect," and "More than One Options are Correct." There's no limit on complaints, but each requires a fee of INR 1200.
- Can I use InsideIIM’s Percentile Predictor to estimate my CAT 2023 percentile, and how does it work?
Yes, use InsideIIM’s Percentile Predictor by entering your attempted questions and correct/incorrect answers. It calculates your scores and projected percentiles for CAT 2023.