With CAT 2017 being just 3 days away, we understand how crucial these last few days are for every CAT aspirant. Having been gone through this phase last year, we would like to give some useful last-minute tips to be kept in mind so that you can crack the CAT 2017.
1. Practice, Practice and Practice – At this point in time, practice is the best thing you can do to constantly sharpen your concepts. Continue giving the CAT mock tests (preferably at the same time as your CAT 2017-time slot) and focus on the mistakes you make by thoroughly analysing your mock results. This will help you analyse your strengths and weaknesses. Constant practice will help you improve your speed and accuracy, things that CAT actually tests you on.
2. No time to go through new concepts – You have been preparing for CAT 2017 for months now and must be knowing very well about which topics you are comfortable with. We would suggest you focus only on those topics. Going through a new topic at this point might leave you a bit doubtful about the concept which may result in you wasting time on a question you won’t be too sure about. Remember, you don’t have to solve each and every question in the exam.
3. Keep your Time Management on point – The way you manage your time in CAT can give you an edge over a lot of candidates. Most of the CAT Mock analysis will provide you the time you took in each question you attempted. Make full use of that data and pinpoint the type of questions you know you take less time in. Also, during the exam, don’t get stuck over a question. Learn to say no, learn to let go.
4. Revise all the important concepts and formulas – Apart from giving mocks and analysing them, focus your energies on the important concepts and formulas, especially your strength areas as ultimately your strength areas are the ones which will boost your CAT percentile. Some of the important topics as per the weightage –
- VARC – Majorly Reading Comprehension and in English usage based questions – paragraph jumble and completion
- QA – Apart from the formulas, focus on Geometry, Arithmetic and Algebra-based questions
- DILR – Trickiest section in CAT from past few years focus on Tournament based sets, Arrangement based puzzles, Calculation based DI sets
5. Stay calm and confident – The day before CAT is the day to relax. This is the day when you should tell yourself that you have prepared as much as you could have for the D-Day. Visualise yourself going to the exam centre and confidently acing all the questions you get. Read all the examination rules carefully and keep all the necessary things prepared. Make sure that you are aware of the location of your exam centre and reach there well in advance. Just believe in yourself. You got this!
Best of Luck for CAT 2017.