It was an online interview process because of the COVID scenario, so I had kept the backup of my mobile hotspot, looked for a silent place in my home, and got myself prepared 2 hours ahead of the scheduled time. That was very helpful as my slot was preponed 45 minutes before the assigned slot. The interview went the way I wanted it to be. So it started with the question “Tell me about yourself” I had already prepared this answer numerous times by building up the correlation between every event I stated to be the reason for pursuing my MBA in analytics. Few questions were “What I learned from my internship at NUS Singapore and IIT Madras” and “How was the international experience different from my experience at IIT Madras”. Then it went on about how and why is the funding for projects different in both places. I answered all of these questions confidently as I was prepared with all of them. I was also asked a few questions on the analytical tools I used during these projects. Then came the application-based questions, “Any mathematical model to fit the COVID pandemic growth rate” and follow-up questions based on the answers I gave. I kept my answer along with justification for the same so not many questions were asked. Then they asked Why IIM Kashipur, I answered that too and the last question was if I have any questions for them so I asked them about the commencement of the program keeping in mind the implications caused by the pandemic. With this, my interview ended smoothly and happily.
22 March, 2021
3 minutes Read