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Final Placements - Class of 2012 : The big test for the IIMs


Rashmi Thakur

Some reality check there ! Will have to plan well. Finals will definitely not be a walk in the park.

29 Nov 2011, 10.12 PM

Rashmi Thakur

Oh ! And What about shopping and lifestyle costs? Will have to make do with whatever little is left after paying EMIs !

29 Nov 2011, 10.15 PM


great article Ankit.

29 Nov 2011, 10.26 PM

Ankit Doshi

Shopping and lifestyle costs! Is there are monthly benchmark for that ? :P

29 Nov 2011, 10.27 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Rashmi Thakur

There is none really. But one can definitely aspire to own a pair of Jimmy Choos and a Chanel evening dress ;) But these are mere aspirations of a girl. As far as lifestyle costs go, doesn't the town matter here? These days, drinks happen in the car. And I think that's how it's gonna be after graduation too.

29 Nov 2011, 10.40 PM |

Jagdeep Singh

Nice article! I like the concept of fee waiver or part refund for those who plan to sit out of placements. Otherwise, the huge cost of MBA education will effectively kill entrepreneurship after graduation. Maybe the business model of MBA education in India can be enhanced so that a student who sits out of placement and starts his own firm, gets a fee waiver! But in return, he pays a share of profits from his business to the Institute !!

29 Nov 2011, 11.00 PM


Dude, thin about the Opportunity cost of working in those two years and later the money that is poured into EMIs while others are busy booking flats or buying cars! Excellent article :) Oh and yeah, for people looking to marry as you mentioned it's a choice between devil and the deep sea!

29 Nov 2011, 11.45 PM


Nice post Ankit. Sure to help a lot of people joining the job market this year.

29 Nov 2011, 11.57 PM


Hey Ankit, Your figures for HBS are one year tuition fees, so total cost of a Harvard program is roughly 168000 usd

30 Nov 2011, 01.29 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

Thanks Parag for bringing to our notice....We're changing that as soon as possible

30 Nov 2011, 08.35 AM |


Nice post Doshi, you brought about some of my favourite reasons for "why entreprenuership". I liked your breakup of expenses as well. However, a very relevant point was that we are quite lucky as compared to everyone else, and hence should not be cribbing about it. However, I disagree with your view that a professional organization should be brought in for placements- I dont think they could do a better job of getting more "quality" offers (which is what we are looking for) Couple of corrections: 1) If the fees for IIMI is 11 lakhs, the EMI of 22500 is for 5.25 years, and not 7 years. 2) Your figure of 30% figure not saving more than 25k seems to be understated. It should be more in the range of 60-65%. Good timely post.

30 Nov 2011, 12.22 PM


Brilliant post! I like that InsideIIM is moving from mere opinion articles to hard facts and analysis. Keep it coming!

30 Nov 2011, 01.37 PM


I believe a professional team cant do as much as a student body when it comes to placements. @Ankit, Is it true that at IIM Indore, placecomm has students from the same batch, that it seeks to place? In that case, a professional agency is probably a better idea.

30 Nov 2011, 01.54 PM


You should have also brought into light the salary rise a person is going to get after he joins the job. This would certainly lessen the burden so to speak.

30 Nov 2011, 09.11 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Ankit Doshi

No one gets a salary hike after joining the job. Hikes start happening after a year has passed and in most cases after 2 years because most companies have a management trainee programme where you don't directly contribute to the business.

30 Nov 2011, 09.42 PM |


Nice point of view ! But the article is based on the premise "MBAs are meant to lead glamorous lives and and MBA is your way to awesome bank balances" ! Well, MBAs are not very different from normal people. Except that they have huge expectations. Expectations which they do not deserve (in my humble view). MBAs are grossly overpaid for their actual contribution to the business (again my humble view). So, you have shown max EMI is 27.5k. Take home salaries in these institutes will be 75-80k atleast. So even after EMI you are earning anywhere between 45-50k per month. True, costs are high. True, savings are less. But that is for everyone. People live in Mumbai at a salary of just 25k (all techies will agree). You are earning double than that. Live within your means. Why will the company compensate you for your desire to live an extravagant life ? You will lead quite a comfortable life. Trust me. My story. 16L package. take home 85k (without year end bonus). Repaid almost the entire loan in 1.5 years. Getting married and not afraid of finances. Even if your fees is increased, yo will repay it in 3 years max.

1 Dec 2011, 10.39 AM

+Read Replies (2)


But I can work for 2 more years, perform well and get increments rather than take the burden of EMI and also lose salary for 2 years. What about opportunity cost mate?

1 Dec 2011, 11.05 AM |


It is better to do an MBA as soon as possible if you are getting a top 5 institute offer. Simple time value of money mate. If you start earning 80k/month when you are 24, it is much better than starting from 25k/month followed by 2 year work ex during which your salary rises to 40k/month and then 2 year MBA after which you get 85-90k/month when you are 26. Whenever you do an MBA it will be two years of no pay. :) You can take a little burden off the EMIs by having a corpus by working before but you will still need a loan coz the fees is too high. And any increment will not match the pay of an MBA (again coz we are paid more than what we deserve :P )

1 Dec 2011, 12.02 PM |

sagar ahuja

I meant that only. It is common sense that a person is not going to get a salary rise directly after joining the job. A person should be able to devote atleast around 1.5 years after his or her MBA and then think about getting married otherwise it will always be a very tough task even for the most bright student. Frankly what i feel is suppose a person gets an avg package of around 11-12 lacs and he gets around 10 lacs on hand. Lets say he has an initial loan of 12 lacs on him and considering an annual interest rate of 11 % for 5 years . He has a total loan of 1860000 on him. So what he can do is pay around 6-7 lacs during the first year and then divide the loan accordingly for the next 4-5 years. Even after that the person will be having a decent enough salary to live with a reasonably good lifestyle. "Please note in this 4-5 years of repaying loan the salary of a person is also going to get a rise in salary even for an avg performing candidate" So it will also lessen the burden.

1 Dec 2011, 12.31 PM


I am glad that I am not caught up in all these calculations of EMI etc. Life is good and rocking at FMS :)

1 Dec 2011, 11.48 PM

Nishant Visen

A very well researched article indeed... But over and atop all these stats... the fact of the matter is that the "IIM" brand per se includes the new IIMs as well... and of the 6 new IIMs... 3 go in for final placements this season... i.e.IIM Ranchi, Rohtak, Raipur... Of these Ranchi was the one which came up with pretty decent summer internship figures viz a viz others... Infact it was the first of the new IIMs... So it will be indeed interesting to see whether the IIM brand in itself is strong enough to pull it off... After all we have the mighty A B C to show the way... If so is the case... the non-IIM B-schools will have an uphill task as ever before... More so because "IIM" remains the dream for most, if not all, the B-school aspirants... Interesting times it seems...!!!

2 Dec 2011, 04.08 AM


Interesting for sure. A bit sceptical about the whole 'brand' discussion. One thing I have learnt after working for 3 years and an IIM B degree and then again working is that 1. True, CTC figures are inflated. 2. A typical MBA in India somehow does not go out and look for non-traditional opportunities. 3. Life goes on !

2 Dec 2011, 08.56 PM


Very well analyzed...and true for the Indian scenario...given that the first two year salary remains the same for most of the grads....the pinch lasts longer....and even if you switch a job (given the economic scenario in the last 3.5 years) you don't manage more than a 10-15% jump...(barring very few candidates) so...there is a sense of doubt the no. of ppl appearing for CAT and XAT hv remained flat....Think very seriously...b4 you go for an MBA...and think 10 times b4 joining the B-school you are getting admission into...My view is not solely my opinion...i know arnd 40-50 ppl who hv experienced the same.... From A 2008 batch grad (from one of the top 5 institutes mentioned above)

3 Dec 2011, 11.31 PM


I should congatulate Ankit for this nice article. I use to do the same math and bring important point about people even getting 5-6 lakhs job in our batch. Image their situation being not able to manage even EMI and basic living expenses after MBA from IIM.Some got packages lower then what they were getting before MBA.So experience people should take a considerate decision taking economic condition into account before joining MBA. If recession hit back again this time then we will see series of default and banks refusing to give loans which then finally forcing IIMs to reduce irrational fees rise they have done in past 4years. Lets hope crisis does not take a toll on IIM placements.

4 Dec 2011, 09.30 AM


Nice article. I feel that Institutes should be sensitive to students concerns. With the increasing batch sizes there will be many students who wont get a job of their choice. In that case they would prefer to work in a role which interests them rather than a low paying role in which they don&#039;t have interest. IIMC has taken a remarkable stand in this regard <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> IIMK had also reduced their fees by 30K to help students in a similar way. Even in US institutes like Stanford refund your fees if you work in a NGO or not for profit organization. I believe all IIM&#039;s must have a system like this to motivate students and also provide them a moral support to become an outlier.

4 Dec 2011, 09.30 PM

+Read Replies (1)


Honestly, reducung fees by 30k a year will hardly make a big difference. Its just an attention grabbing gimmick. So is the PSU thing. They are saying, if we can&#039;t place you in a private company take the money back

4 Dec 2011, 10.53 PM |


FMS/ JBIMS Delhi should be FMS Delhi/JBIMS

8 Dec 2011, 11.53 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

Corrcted. Thanks for pointing it out.

9 Dec 2011, 11.55 AM |


Is IIT-B AND IIT-D worth applying for me ? My Profile 10th and 12th- 81 % Btech from bits pilani- 65% Workex- 2.5 years Current CTC- 4.5 lacs

26 Jan 2012, 09.09 AM

+Read Replies (3)

random commentor

Assumption: ur doing well in ur field(-&gt;BITS pilani) i dont think so dude. Try to make it to FMS or JB. Most of the non-IB comps dont consider them to be different from the top IIMs. Having ordinary looking acads(no offence :)) throughout I dont think IBs are an option even if u make to IIM ABC. or You could become an expert at what you are doing in a few years rather than starting afresh as a management trainee after a generalist course which is frankly not that well known for its laterals. You could also think of an international PG degree in a relevant field. to quote a famous personality &quot;dare to think beyond the iims/iits/hyped brands&quot; :P :P :P

26 Jan 2012, 06.47 PM |


Wow man, at best it reflects your derision for these world-class institutes and at worst it reeks of your over-confidence. Sorry for being blunt, wish you the best!

29 Jan 2012, 01.21 AM |


so profile of sahil is not eligible for IIM ABC even if he score 100 percentiles

19 Jul 2012, 11.47 PM |


@insideiim Could you put a post explaining the calculations for the 1 year PGP for executives programs across IIMs/SP Jain similarly?

3 Feb 2012, 09.41 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We have got this request earlier as well. We are working on it. However, we do not have enough knowledge and information on EPGP programmes. And we don&#039;t prefer writing or getting someone to write about things we don&#039;t understand well enough. But work is underway.

3 Feb 2012, 10.06 AM |


I converted Symbiosis institute of telecom mangement and currently working in with CTC of 5.5 lacs in telecom domain itself with 4 years of work experience so please tell does it worth joining such a college or go for Executive MBA

22 May 2012, 12.56 PM


after reading this article i think my doubt of IIM K vs JBIMS is cleared , was confused about which one to prefer since both are almost equals . but given my weak financial condition JBIMS is the clear winner ! thanks for this article !

6 Jun 2012, 02.33 PM


A very good Post. Thank you for this. FYI, I am a middle level executive in a large firm and was looking at this out of curiosity. I do have to disagree about some jobs only for graduates from top management institutes. As somebody who sits on the other end (i.e. recurits folks, manages promotions etc.) one&#039;s degree is only a gateway to get a job. After that, it&#039;s always only your performance in the role and your achievement v/s targets. Also, becoming a subject matter expert in one chosen area will help you move up the ladder quickly. Of course, various other things do play a role and by other things I mean how you manage the art of office politics, but that&#039;s something you learn at work. So, by all means get yourself a good management degree, but be prepared to work very hard to see the fruits of your degree. The degree itself will not guarantee you success in your job.

3 Sep 2012, 09.59 AM

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Rashmi Thakur

Some reality check there ! Will have to plan well. Finals will definitely not be a walk in the park.

29 Nov 2011, 10.12 PM

Rashmi Thakur

Oh ! And What about shopping and lifestyle costs? Will have to make do with whatever little is left after paying EMIs !

29 Nov 2011, 10.15 PM


great article Ankit.

29 Nov 2011, 10.26 PM

Ankit Doshi

Shopping and lifestyle costs! Is there are monthly benchmark for that ? :P

29 Nov 2011, 10.27 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Rashmi Thakur

There is none really. But one can definitely aspire to own a pair of Jimmy Choos and a Chanel evening dress ;) But these are mere aspirations of a girl. As far as lifestyle costs go, doesn&#039;t the town matter here? These days, drinks happen in the car. And I think that&#039;s how it&#039;s gonna be after graduation too.

29 Nov 2011, 10.40 PM |

Jagdeep Singh

Nice article! I like the concept of fee waiver or part refund for those who plan to sit out of placements. Otherwise, the huge cost of MBA education will effectively kill entrepreneurship after graduation. Maybe the business model of MBA education in India can be enhanced so that a student who sits out of placement and starts his own firm, gets a fee waiver! But in return, he pays a share of profits from his business to the Institute !!

29 Nov 2011, 11.00 PM


Dude, thin about the Opportunity cost of working in those two years and later the money that is poured into EMIs while others are busy booking flats or buying cars! Excellent article :) Oh and yeah, for people looking to marry as you mentioned it&#039;s a choice between devil and the deep sea!

29 Nov 2011, 11.45 PM


Nice post Ankit. Sure to help a lot of people joining the job market this year.

29 Nov 2011, 11.57 PM


Hey Ankit, Your figures for HBS are one year tuition fees, so total cost of a Harvard program is roughly 168000 usd

30 Nov 2011, 01.29 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

Thanks Parag for bringing to our notice....We&#039;re changing that as soon as possible

30 Nov 2011, 08.35 AM |


Nice post Doshi, you brought about some of my favourite reasons for &quot;why entreprenuership&quot;. I liked your breakup of expenses as well. However, a very relevant point was that we are quite lucky as compared to everyone else, and hence should not be cribbing about it. However, I disagree with your view that a professional organization should be brought in for placements- I dont think they could do a better job of getting more &quot;quality&quot; offers (which is what we are looking for) Couple of corrections: 1) If the fees for IIMI is 11 lakhs, the EMI of 22500 is for 5.25 years, and not 7 years. 2) Your figure of 30% figure not saving more than 25k seems to be understated. It should be more in the range of 60-65%. Good timely post.

30 Nov 2011, 12.22 PM


Brilliant post! I like that InsideIIM is moving from mere opinion articles to hard facts and analysis. Keep it coming!

30 Nov 2011, 01.37 PM


I believe a professional team cant do as much as a student body when it comes to placements. @Ankit, Is it true that at IIM Indore, placecomm has students from the same batch, that it seeks to place? In that case, a professional agency is probably a better idea.

30 Nov 2011, 01.54 PM


You should have also brought into light the salary rise a person is going to get after he joins the job. This would certainly lessen the burden so to speak.

30 Nov 2011, 09.11 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Ankit Doshi

No one gets a salary hike after joining the job. Hikes start happening after a year has passed and in most cases after 2 years because most companies have a management trainee programme where you don&#039;t directly contribute to the business.

30 Nov 2011, 09.42 PM |


Nice point of view ! But the article is based on the premise &quot;MBAs are meant to lead glamorous lives and and MBA is your way to awesome bank balances&quot; ! Well, MBAs are not very different from normal people. Except that they have huge expectations. Expectations which they do not deserve (in my humble view). MBAs are grossly overpaid for their actual contribution to the business (again my humble view). So, you have shown max EMI is 27.5k. Take home salaries in these institutes will be 75-80k atleast. So even after EMI you are earning anywhere between 45-50k per month. True, costs are high. True, savings are less. But that is for everyone. People live in Mumbai at a salary of just 25k (all techies will agree). You are earning double than that. Live within your means. Why will the company compensate you for your desire to live an extravagant life ? You will lead quite a comfortable life. Trust me. My story. 16L package. take home 85k (without year end bonus). Repaid almost the entire loan in 1.5 years. Getting married and not afraid of finances. Even if your fees is increased, yo will repay it in 3 years max.

1 Dec 2011, 10.39 AM

+Read Replies (2)


But I can work for 2 more years, perform well and get increments rather than take the burden of EMI and also lose salary for 2 years. What about opportunity cost mate?

1 Dec 2011, 11.05 AM |


It is better to do an MBA as soon as possible if you are getting a top 5 institute offer. Simple time value of money mate. If you start earning 80k/month when you are 24, it is much better than starting from 25k/month followed by 2 year work ex during which your salary rises to 40k/month and then 2 year MBA after which you get 85-90k/month when you are 26. Whenever you do an MBA it will be two years of no pay. :) You can take a little burden off the EMIs by having a corpus by working before but you will still need a loan coz the fees is too high. And any increment will not match the pay of an MBA (again coz we are paid more than what we deserve :P )

1 Dec 2011, 12.02 PM |

sagar ahuja

I meant that only. It is common sense that a person is not going to get a salary rise directly after joining the job. A person should be able to devote atleast around 1.5 years after his or her MBA and then think about getting married otherwise it will always be a very tough task even for the most bright student. Frankly what i feel is suppose a person gets an avg package of around 11-12 lacs and he gets around 10 lacs on hand. Lets say he has an initial loan of 12 lacs on him and considering an annual interest rate of 11 % for 5 years . He has a total loan of 1860000 on him. So what he can do is pay around 6-7 lacs during the first year and then divide the loan accordingly for the next 4-5 years. Even after that the person will be having a decent enough salary to live with a reasonably good lifestyle. "Please note in this 4-5 years of repaying loan the salary of a person is also going to get a rise in salary even for an avg performing candidate" So it will also lessen the burden.

1 Dec 2011, 12.31 PM


I am glad that I am not caught up in all these calculations of EMI etc. Life is good and rocking at FMS :)

1 Dec 2011, 11.48 PM

Nishant Visen

A very well researched article indeed... But over and atop all these stats... the fact of the matter is that the &quot;IIM&quot; brand per se includes the new IIMs as well... and of the 6 new IIMs... 3 go in for final placements this season... i.e.IIM Ranchi, Rohtak, Raipur... Of these Ranchi was the one which came up with pretty decent summer internship figures viz a viz others... Infact it was the first of the new IIMs... So it will be indeed interesting to see whether the IIM brand in itself is strong enough to pull it off... After all we have the mighty A B C to show the way... If so is the case... the non-IIM B-schools will have an uphill task as ever before... More so because &quot;IIM&quot; remains the dream for most, if not all, the B-school aspirants... Interesting times it seems...!!!

2 Dec 2011, 04.08 AM


Interesting for sure. A bit sceptical about the whole &#039;brand&#039; discussion. One thing I have learnt after working for 3 years and an IIM B degree and then again working is that 1. True, CTC figures are inflated. 2. A typical MBA in India somehow does not go out and look for non-traditional opportunities. 3. Life goes on !

2 Dec 2011, 08.56 PM


Very well analyzed...and true for the Indian scenario...given that the first two year salary remains the same for most of the grads....the pinch lasts longer....and even if you switch a job (given the economic scenario in the last 3.5 years) you don&#039;t manage more than a 10-15% jump...(barring very few candidates) so...there is a sense of doubt the no. of ppl appearing for CAT and XAT hv remained flat....Think very seriously...b4 you go for an MBA...and think 10 times b4 joining the B-school you are getting admission into...My view is not solely my opinion...i know arnd 40-50 ppl who hv experienced the same.... From A 2008 batch grad (from one of the top 5 institutes mentioned above)

3 Dec 2011, 11.31 PM


I should congatulate Ankit for this nice article. I use to do the same math and bring important point about people even getting 5-6 lakhs job in our batch. Image their situation being not able to manage even EMI and basic living expenses after MBA from IIM.Some got packages lower then what they were getting before MBA.So experience people should take a considerate decision taking economic condition into account before joining MBA. If recession hit back again this time then we will see series of default and banks refusing to give loans which then finally forcing IIMs to reduce irrational fees rise they have done in past 4years. Lets hope crisis does not take a toll on IIM placements.

4 Dec 2011, 09.30 AM


Nice article. I feel that Institutes should be sensitive to students concerns. With the increasing batch sizes there will be many students who wont get a job of their choice. In that case they would prefer to work in a role which interests them rather than a low paying role in which they don&#039;t have interest. IIMC has taken a remarkable stand in this regard <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> IIMK had also reduced their fees by 30K to help students in a similar way. Even in US institutes like Stanford refund your fees if you work in a NGO or not for profit organization. I believe all IIM&#039;s must have a system like this to motivate students and also provide them a moral support to become an outlier.

4 Dec 2011, 09.30 PM

+Read Replies (1)


Honestly, reducung fees by 30k a year will hardly make a big difference. Its just an attention grabbing gimmick. So is the PSU thing. They are saying, if we can&#039;t place you in a private company take the money back

4 Dec 2011, 10.53 PM |


FMS/ JBIMS Delhi should be FMS Delhi/JBIMS

8 Dec 2011, 11.53 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

Corrcted. Thanks for pointing it out.

9 Dec 2011, 11.55 AM |


Is IIT-B AND IIT-D worth applying for me ? My Profile 10th and 12th- 81 % Btech from bits pilani- 65% Workex- 2.5 years Current CTC- 4.5 lacs

26 Jan 2012, 09.09 AM

+Read Replies (3)

random commentor

Assumption: ur doing well in ur field(-&gt;BITS pilani) i dont think so dude. Try to make it to FMS or JB. Most of the non-IB comps dont consider them to be different from the top IIMs. Having ordinary looking acads(no offence :)) throughout I dont think IBs are an option even if u make to IIM ABC. or You could become an expert at what you are doing in a few years rather than starting afresh as a management trainee after a generalist course which is frankly not that well known for its laterals. You could also think of an international PG degree in a relevant field. to quote a famous personality &quot;dare to think beyond the iims/iits/hyped brands&quot; :P :P :P

26 Jan 2012, 06.47 PM |


Wow man, at best it reflects your derision for these world-class institutes and at worst it reeks of your over-confidence. Sorry for being blunt, wish you the best!

29 Jan 2012, 01.21 AM |


so profile of sahil is not eligible for IIM ABC even if he score 100 percentiles

19 Jul 2012, 11.47 PM |


@insideiim Could you put a post explaining the calculations for the 1 year PGP for executives programs across IIMs/SP Jain similarly?

3 Feb 2012, 09.41 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We have got this request earlier as well. We are working on it. However, we do not have enough knowledge and information on EPGP programmes. And we don&#039;t prefer writing or getting someone to write about things we don&#039;t understand well enough. But work is underway.

3 Feb 2012, 10.06 AM |


I converted Symbiosis institute of telecom mangement and currently working in with CTC of 5.5 lacs in telecom domain itself with 4 years of work experience so please tell does it worth joining such a college or go for Executive MBA

22 May 2012, 12.56 PM


after reading this article i think my doubt of IIM K vs JBIMS is cleared , was confused about which one to prefer since both are almost equals . but given my weak financial condition JBIMS is the clear winner ! thanks for this article !

6 Jun 2012, 02.33 PM


A very good Post. Thank you for this. FYI, I am a middle level executive in a large firm and was looking at this out of curiosity. I do have to disagree about some jobs only for graduates from top management institutes. As somebody who sits on the other end (i.e. recurits folks, manages promotions etc.) one&#039;s degree is only a gateway to get a job. After that, it&#039;s always only your performance in the role and your achievement v/s targets. Also, becoming a subject matter expert in one chosen area will help you move up the ladder quickly. Of course, various other things do play a role and by other things I mean how you manage the art of office politics, but that&#039;s something you learn at work. So, by all means get yourself a good management degree, but be prepared to work very hard to see the fruits of your degree. The degree itself will not guarantee you success in your job.

3 Sep 2012, 09.59 AM