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How Can I Get An Interview Call From IIM Ahmedabad? – CAT 2015 : PGP 2016 -18


Vedant Khaderia

Does the new criteria mean that if my grad score is less than 71 then I stand no chance of a shortlist even with 90+ in Xth and XIIth?

7 Aug 2015, 12.12 PM

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Team InsideIIM

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Yes Vedant - if you miss the minimum grad cutoffs that will be the case

7 Aug 2015, 12.47 PM |

Vedant Khaderia

I belong to AC-3

7 Aug 2015, 12.12 PM

Bharath Sai

Two queries: 1.I have a bsc percent of 67 according to marks and 77 percent (7.7*10) as per university conversion formula. I am in my final year.Which formula should I use?(My university awards both marks and grades and mentioned the above conversion formula.) 2.Is there a chance of relaxation of average of 10th and +2 avg score to 75 if sufficient candidates aren't found with avg of 80 in both and other criteria post cat results?Which IIMs might be relaxing acads weightage this year?

7 Aug 2015, 03.31 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

There is no chance of a relaxation of cutoffs. They have come out with this criteria based on candidate data from CAT 2014. They will look at your actual marks and not the university conversion formula

7 Aug 2015, 04.12 PM |

Rohineesh Saunilya

Engineering Graduate with 93% in Xth, 87% in XIIth and 78.7 % in Btech. Do i have achance to get a call?

7 Aug 2015, 03.35 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

You can read the criteria above and make that analysis yourself. You have a chance because you at least satisfy all minimum criteria. CAT Score target we have already given. Please note that these are minimum cutoffs and actual could vary based on candidate pool and CAT performance of other candidate's in your pool of academic discipline

7 Aug 2015, 04.14 PM |

Vedant Khaderia

You say that minimum cut offs and actual could differ based on the CAT performance of candidates in the pool same as mine. Can a high CAT score cover up for failing to meet the minimum the minimum grad cut-off? Will other IIMs also go by such standards as far as grads are concerned?

7 Aug 2015, 07.54 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

A cutoff is a cutoff. You wont get an IIM A call even if you score 100 percentile if you haven't met minimum grad cutoff. Other IIMs also take scads very seriously but it is unlikely to be so harsh.

8 Aug 2015, 09.06 AM |

Jaideep Meh

Is it not too harsh,that an engineer person getting 100 percentile in CAT but not meeting C2 (10th,12th average percentage less than 80)and C3 (graduation percentage less than 78) criteria will not even get an interview call? By the way it is very very difficult to score an aggregate of 78% in engineering in a lot of universities across the country.

9 Aug 2015, 03.30 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

It may be harsh but we can't do much about it, can we? It is definitely unfair in some ways but then its difficult to get 70% in Arts too in many universities. So in the end somewhere it evens out. But there is life beyond IIM A.

10 Aug 2015, 08.50 PM |

shrigiri Krishna

I am a final year B.Tech student (OBC). Till date my score is 71.3 %(upto 3-2). I haven't finished engineering yet and there is a wide scope of increasing the score(may be +4-5 %) by the end of the course. Now, my question is that, which score do they consider for short listing the candidates (assuming a high CAT percentile) ?

13 Aug 2015, 03.16 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Score that will be considered is the score in the CAT Form only

14 Aug 2015, 06.47 PM |

shrigiri Krishna

Do they consider the final year students as an exception case ?

15 Aug 2015, 07.54 PM |

Karan Sharma

with 56.2 % in 12 and 8 cgpa in 10 class and also 7.1 cgpa in collage and belongs to SC category . do you think he can get a call letter from iim a . if yes what percentile he should at least score in cat .

14 Aug 2015, 01.32 AM

shubham singh

in which category b.tech comes???? AC-1 AC-2 ....!!!

22 Aug 2015, 11.31 PM

Rakesh Perumalla

I have 78.5 in X class , 89 in +2 , I'm a Chartered Accountant with 56 % and I don't have bachelors degree.. will my class X have the impact to reject my application , is it possible to get call if I have 98% + in CAT

5 Sep 2015, 01.47 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

A <80 10th Std score makes is very tough to get a call but given that you are a commerce grad, if you score 99.5%ile+ it may help

5 Sep 2015, 02.22 PM |

Rakesh Perumalla

OMG , "it may help" ; how about Calcutta.. any chance left for me there..?

5 Sep 2015, 03.24 PM |

Stuti Pansari

P ≥ 80 (Science), 77 (Commerce), 75 (Arts/Humanities) Where P is the "average" of the percentages of marks scored in 10th and 12th std exams. Does this imply that for a a general category student who has a score of 95% in 10th and 75% in 12th still has a chance because the average score is 85% &gt; 80% ?

27 Sep 2015, 04.31 PM

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Team InsideIIM

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28 Sep 2015, 09.55 AM |


B.Sc. pass course ( Physics , Chemistry &amp; Maths ) with 72.3% , 12th with 87.2% and 10th with 93%. Is there any chance for me to be there in IIM A? if yes then what percentile score must I score in CAT ? Thanks ! :-)

18 Nov 2015, 12.37 PM

Varun Garg

at d end of d day, i dont care wat ppl say bout me, i care wat i say bout myself...

I'm expecting a 98 (point something) percentile in CAT 2015. I'm a commerce student (Male) with 89% in 10th, 98.5% in 12th and 83% in my graduation. What are my chances of getting a call from IIM-A/B/C?

2 Dec 2015, 05.53 AM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Please as such queries on http://konversations.com - Chances seem bright if percentile is 98+ but it is highly unlikely you can predict your percentile so easily

2 Dec 2015, 08.59 AM |

Ayush Saraf

I have more than 95% in class X and XII and 70.62% in Grad ( Commerce). Also expecting a 99+ percentile in CAT. Will 70.62 be rounded off to 71% since the minimum cutoff for commerce is 71?

12 Dec 2015, 10.42 AM

Shweta Sahu

I am expecting 99% in CAT and 80% (or above) in commerce graduation, my past academic is poor with 60% in 10th and 50% in 12th. Do I have any chance left for IIMA?

13 Dec 2015, 10.22 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

It looks tough to be honest. For such queries please register on http://konversations.com for one on one personal counselling

14 Dec 2015, 09.37 AM |

Antriksh Pandey

Sir my 10th marjs are 90% and 12th 83% with graduation 71 in science stream.i am a pwd or da candidate..what are my chances of getting a call if i get 85 percentile

24 Dec 2015, 04.56 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Looks good. Try scoring as high as possible. The basic profile seems to be in place.

24 Dec 2015, 07.47 PM |

Antriksh Pandey

Sir my this year score is 74, 84 and 91 with overall 87 percentile.i am a da or pwd candidate..wats ur take...wat all calls i can expect...pls reply as soon

8 Jan 2016, 08.45 PM

Antriksh Pandey

Sir my this year score is 74, 84 and 91 with ovrall 88 percentile.i am a da or pwd candidate..wats ur take...wat all calls i can expect...pls reply as soon

8 Jan 2016, 08.49 PM

Sachin Narula

Hi, I am a commerce graduate (67%) with 3 years of experience. I scored 72% in 10th and 69% in 12th. What should be my CAT percentile in order to be safe to get calls from most of the IIMs, if not from all.

6 Apr 2016, 03.55 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

99.6 to 99.7 - still no guarantee of all calls - acad are average - for more questions go to konversations.com

7 Apr 2016, 05.11 PM |

shivani saluja

Hi I am currently pursuing B.Sc. Chemistry(H)(1st year)and I am interested in pursuing mba. I got 10 cgpa which is 95%in class 10th 94.2% in class 12th and 8.27 sgpa in 1st sem.I wanna know whether being a fresher or from chemistry background decrease my chances of admission in IIM-A?

21 Apr 2016, 01.02 AM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Why do you have an impression that it will lower your chances? Diversity can only help you as long as you have good academic scores and you have very good scores by all means so far

21 Apr 2016, 12.36 PM |

Shivam Kaurav

If my ar score is 28 then how much percentile requiered for a

7 Jun 2016, 01.11 PM

Jay Mehta

Greetings sir, I am in the final year of Engineering so I am from AC 4. And my current CGPA is 8.99 so equivalent percentage is 84.9%. My past record is 94.2% in 10th and 84.31% in 12th. What can be the minimum CAT score for me to receive the call? Thank you.

21 Jun 2016, 09.07 PM

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Vedant Khaderia

Does the new criteria mean that if my grad score is less than 71 then I stand no chance of a shortlist even with 90+ in Xth and XIIth?

7 Aug 2015, 12.12 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Yes Vedant - if you miss the minimum grad cutoffs that will be the case

7 Aug 2015, 12.47 PM |

Vedant Khaderia

I belong to AC-3

7 Aug 2015, 12.12 PM

Bharath Sai

Two queries: 1.I have a bsc percent of 67 according to marks and 77 percent (7.7*10) as per university conversion formula. I am in my final year.Which formula should I use?(My university awards both marks and grades and mentioned the above conversion formula.) 2.Is there a chance of relaxation of average of 10th and +2 avg score to 75 if sufficient candidates aren't found with avg of 80 in both and other criteria post cat results?Which IIMs might be relaxing acads weightage this year?

7 Aug 2015, 03.31 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

There is no chance of a relaxation of cutoffs. They have come out with this criteria based on candidate data from CAT 2014. They will look at your actual marks and not the university conversion formula

7 Aug 2015, 04.12 PM |

Rohineesh Saunilya

Engineering Graduate with 93% in Xth, 87% in XIIth and 78.7 % in Btech. Do i have achance to get a call?

7 Aug 2015, 03.35 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

You can read the criteria above and make that analysis yourself. You have a chance because you at least satisfy all minimum criteria. CAT Score target we have already given. Please note that these are minimum cutoffs and actual could vary based on candidate pool and CAT performance of other candidate's in your pool of academic discipline

7 Aug 2015, 04.14 PM |

Vedant Khaderia

You say that minimum cut offs and actual could differ based on the CAT performance of candidates in the pool same as mine. Can a high CAT score cover up for failing to meet the minimum the minimum grad cut-off? Will other IIMs also go by such standards as far as grads are concerned?

7 Aug 2015, 07.54 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

A cutoff is a cutoff. You wont get an IIM A call even if you score 100 percentile if you haven't met minimum grad cutoff. Other IIMs also take scads very seriously but it is unlikely to be so harsh.

8 Aug 2015, 09.06 AM |

Jaideep Meh

Is it not too harsh,that an engineer person getting 100 percentile in CAT but not meeting C2 (10th,12th average percentage less than 80)and C3 (graduation percentage less than 78) criteria will not even get an interview call? By the way it is very very difficult to score an aggregate of 78% in engineering in a lot of universities across the country.

9 Aug 2015, 03.30 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

It may be harsh but we can't do much about it, can we? It is definitely unfair in some ways but then its difficult to get 70% in Arts too in many universities. So in the end somewhere it evens out. But there is life beyond IIM A.

10 Aug 2015, 08.50 PM |

shrigiri Krishna

I am a final year B.Tech student (OBC). Till date my score is 71.3 %(upto 3-2). I haven't finished engineering yet and there is a wide scope of increasing the score(may be +4-5 %) by the end of the course. Now, my question is that, which score do they consider for short listing the candidates (assuming a high CAT percentile) ?

13 Aug 2015, 03.16 PM

+Read Replies (2)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Score that will be considered is the score in the CAT Form only

14 Aug 2015, 06.47 PM |

shrigiri Krishna

Do they consider the final year students as an exception case ?

15 Aug 2015, 07.54 PM |

Karan Sharma

with 56.2 % in 12 and 8 cgpa in 10 class and also 7.1 cgpa in collage and belongs to SC category . do you think he can get a call letter from iim a . if yes what percentile he should at least score in cat .

14 Aug 2015, 01.32 AM

shubham singh

in which category b.tech comes???? AC-1 AC-2 ....!!!

22 Aug 2015, 11.31 PM

Rakesh Perumalla

I have 78.5 in X class , 89 in +2 , I'm a Chartered Accountant with 56 % and I don't have bachelors degree.. will my class X have the impact to reject my application , is it possible to get call if I have 98% + in CAT

5 Sep 2015, 01.47 PM

+Read Replies (2)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

A <80 10th Std score makes is very tough to get a call but given that you are a commerce grad, if you score 99.5%ile+ it may help

5 Sep 2015, 02.22 PM |

Rakesh Perumalla

OMG , "it may help" ; how about Calcutta.. any chance left for me there..?

5 Sep 2015, 03.24 PM |

Stuti Pansari

P ≥ 80 (Science), 77 (Commerce), 75 (Arts/Humanities) Where P is the "average" of the percentages of marks scored in 10th and 12th std exams. Does this imply that for a a general category student who has a score of 95% in 10th and 75% in 12th still has a chance because the average score is 85% &gt; 80% ?

27 Sep 2015, 04.31 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.


28 Sep 2015, 09.55 AM |


B.Sc. pass course ( Physics , Chemistry &amp; Maths ) with 72.3% , 12th with 87.2% and 10th with 93%. Is there any chance for me to be there in IIM A? if yes then what percentile score must I score in CAT ? Thanks ! :-)

18 Nov 2015, 12.37 PM

Varun Garg

at d end of d day, i dont care wat ppl say bout me, i care wat i say bout myself...

I'm expecting a 98 (point something) percentile in CAT 2015. I'm a commerce student (Male) with 89% in 10th, 98.5% in 12th and 83% in my graduation. What are my chances of getting a call from IIM-A/B/C?

2 Dec 2015, 05.53 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Please as such queries on http://konversations.com - Chances seem bright if percentile is 98+ but it is highly unlikely you can predict your percentile so easily

2 Dec 2015, 08.59 AM |

Ayush Saraf

I have more than 95% in class X and XII and 70.62% in Grad ( Commerce). Also expecting a 99+ percentile in CAT. Will 70.62 be rounded off to 71% since the minimum cutoff for commerce is 71?

12 Dec 2015, 10.42 AM

Shweta Sahu

I am expecting 99% in CAT and 80% (or above) in commerce graduation, my past academic is poor with 60% in 10th and 50% in 12th. Do I have any chance left for IIMA?

13 Dec 2015, 10.22 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

It looks tough to be honest. For such queries please register on http://konversations.com for one on one personal counselling

14 Dec 2015, 09.37 AM |

Antriksh Pandey

Sir my 10th marjs are 90% and 12th 83% with graduation 71 in science stream.i am a pwd or da candidate..what are my chances of getting a call if i get 85 percentile

24 Dec 2015, 04.56 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Looks good. Try scoring as high as possible. The basic profile seems to be in place.

24 Dec 2015, 07.47 PM |

Antriksh Pandey

Sir my this year score is 74, 84 and 91 with overall 87 percentile.i am a da or pwd candidate..wats ur take...wat all calls i can expect...pls reply as soon

8 Jan 2016, 08.45 PM

Antriksh Pandey

Sir my this year score is 74, 84 and 91 with ovrall 88 percentile.i am a da or pwd candidate..wats ur take...wat all calls i can expect...pls reply as soon

8 Jan 2016, 08.49 PM

Sachin Narula

Hi, I am a commerce graduate (67%) with 3 years of experience. I scored 72% in 10th and 69% in 12th. What should be my CAT percentile in order to be safe to get calls from most of the IIMs, if not from all.

6 Apr 2016, 03.55 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

99.6 to 99.7 - still no guarantee of all calls - acad are average - for more questions go to konversations.com

7 Apr 2016, 05.11 PM |

shivani saluja

Hi I am currently pursuing B.Sc. Chemistry(H)(1st year)and I am interested in pursuing mba. I got 10 cgpa which is 95%in class 10th 94.2% in class 12th and 8.27 sgpa in 1st sem.I wanna know whether being a fresher or from chemistry background decrease my chances of admission in IIM-A?

21 Apr 2016, 01.02 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Why do you have an impression that it will lower your chances? Diversity can only help you as long as you have good academic scores and you have very good scores by all means so far

21 Apr 2016, 12.36 PM |

Shivam Kaurav

If my ar score is 28 then how much percentile requiered for a

7 Jun 2016, 01.11 PM

Jay Mehta

Greetings sir, I am in the final year of Engineering so I am from AC 4. And my current CGPA is 8.99 so equivalent percentage is 84.9%. My past record is 94.2% in 10th and 84.31% in 12th. What can be the minimum CAT score for me to receive the call? Thank you.

21 Jun 2016, 09.07 PM