IIM Tiruchirappalli's 2021 admission policy for admission to the PGPM batch of 2022-2024 has now been released! IIM Trichy has set the overall CAT 2021 cut-off at the 93rd percentile, which is higher than that of all first generation IIMs. However, IIM Trichy will not consider any other criteria (except CAT 2021 scores) while shortlisting candidates for the personal interview round. To create the final shortlist, IIM Trichy will shortlist candidates based on their CAT score, academic profile, work experience, gender, academic stream, and personal interview performance. Here is a simple breakdown of IIM Trichy's two-step 2021 admissions process.
IIM Trichy 2021 Admission Policy - Five Important Points To Remember
- IIM Trichy has set the overall CAT 2021 cut-off at the 93rd percentile, and the sectional cut-off has been set at the 70th percentile for all three sections. Please note that achieving the cut-off percentile in CAT is a necessary but not sufficient condition for being shortlisted by IIM Trichy.
- IIM Trichy will use only candidates' CAT 2021 scores to shortlist them for the personal interview round, i.e., factors such as academic profile, work experience, and diversity will not be taken into account while shortlist candidates for the PI round.
- To create the final shortlist, IIM Trichy has chosen a candidate's CAT score, academic profile, work experience, gender, academic stream, and personal interview performance as selection criteria. 50% of the weight will be assigned to a candidate's CAT 2021 score.
- While creating the final shortlist, IIM Trichy has also assigned a 3% weight specifically to a candidate's VARC performance in CAT 2021. Passing in the final examinations of CA, ICWA, CS, MBBS, BDS, BVSc, B.N.Y. S, B.A.M.S, B.U.M.S, B.S.M.S, or B.H.M.S will fetch candidates extra marks.
- There will be no Writing Ability Test in IIM Trichy's selection process.
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Understanding IIM Trichy's 2021 Selection Criteria For Admission To PGPM Program
IIM Trichy has a simple, two-step admissions process to select candidates for the PGPM program. In the first step, IIM Trichy will shortlist candidates based on the CAT 2021 cut-offs set by the institute. However, this does not mean that simply meeting the cut-off gets you shortlisted for the personal interview round. In the second step, candidates shortlisted in the first step will undergo the personal interview round, and then a weighted composite score will be generated to create the final merit list for admission to the PGPM program.
Step 1 - Shortlisting Candidates Based Solely On CAT 2021 Performance
The table below indicates the minimum performance expected from candidates to be shortlisted for the PI. "Please note that achieving the cut-off percentile in CAT is a necessary but not sufficient condition for being shortlisted." This implies that candidates will most likely be required to score higher than the cut-offs set in order to be shortlisted for the personal interview round.
Candidates shortlisted in step one will be invited for the personal interview round, which will be conducted as a part of the Common Admission Process (CAP). IIM Trichy is the coordinating institute for CAP 2022-24 batch, on behalf of all participating nine IIMs.
Step 2 - Creating Final Merit List Based On Weighted Composite Score
After the personal interview round has been completed, candidates will be shortlisted based on a weighted composite score. Calculation of the composite score will take into account a candidate's CAT 2021 performance, personal interview performance, work experience, graduation marks, gender diversity, VARC percentile, 12th marks, 10th marks and professional qualification. The table below captures the different weights assigned to each of these components.
1. Personal Interview: A candidate will be evaluated based on their:
- Communication Skills
- Academic Ability
- Current Affairs & General Awareness
- Managerial & Leadership Abilities
- Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities
2. Verbal Comprehension: The 3% weightages allocated for verbal comprehension will be derived from the score of Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension in CAT 2021.
3. Work experience: Work experience earned up to 31st December 2021 will be considered for allocating of 5% weightage.
4. Performance at undergraduate level: This performance shall be measured by multiplying the percentage marks scored by the weightage applicable to the discipline as shown below. 5% of the score so obtained shall be considered in the overall evaluation. [UG performance score = (per cent score at UG * discipline weightage) * 0.05]
To encourage diversity in the batch, differential weightage, as shown below, shall be applied to different disciplines:
- Engineering / Technology: 0.6
- Arts / Science (including Pharmacy) / Commerce / Economics / Management / other disciplines: 1.0
5. Professional Qualification: Pass in the final examinations of CA/ ICWA/CS/MBBS/BDS/BVSc/B.N.Y. S/B.A.M.S/B.U.M.S/B.S.M.S/B.H.M.S.
6. Gender Diversity: Extra weightage for female candidates.
Read IIM Trichy's admission policy on the institute's website.
What Does IIM Trichy's 2021 Admission Policy Mean For You?
Your CAT 2021 performance will be of paramount importance in deciding whether you make it to IIM Trichy's PGPM program. In the very first step, candidates will be shortlisted basis their CAT 2021 scores. Since a candidate's profile is irrelevant at this stage, your CAT 2021 score will be the only deciding factor.
In the second stage of the admissions process, 75% of the weight is in the candidate's hand i.e., your performance in the personal interview round and CAT 2021 will be major deciding factors. Importantly, your performance specifically in the VARC section can be the difference between being selected or being rejected by IIM Trichy.
Female applicants, as well as those from a non-engineering background will also have an advantage in the admissions process. Candidates with work experience will also have an advantage in the selection process. IIM Trichy has not clarified the minimum and maximum limit for work experience (in months), therefore it can be assumed that higher work experience will fetch more marks. Candidates with professional qualifications will have a slight advantage in the selection process.
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