At this crucial time for many aspirants, with some eagerly awaiting B-School calls and others uncertain about which B-school to join due to lingering doubts, we spoke with MBA and PGDM course students from ITM Business School.
We explored common myths and concerns that MBA aspirants often face, including the significance of diversity, batch size, work experience, and the quality of education.
They also discussed how ITM's pedagogy is based on adapting to trending courses required in the industry, such as programmatic advertising. These courses are directly taught by industry experts, making students job-ready.
To learn more about the institute, click here:
Don't miss this chance to hear firsthand from ITM students about placements, return on investment (ROI), and the strong alumni network that forms the backbone of every B-School.
If you're considering applying for a scholarship, remember that the application deadline is January 21, 2024.