What makes TISS different from the rest is that we are taught to fearlessly talk about things that others will not, we are taught to throw hesitation and discomfort out of the window to deliberate on issues of sexuality, gender and ethnicity among others; which becomes more so crucial as students of HR, since we will be actively dealing with issues of diversity and inclusion in the near future. In TISS, nothing is a taboo, and when we leave TISS, we aim to reflect the same in our interactions in other spheres. TISS has opened my eyes to the various possibilities that can exist within our societal framework, and has given me a platform to be a part of a range of experiences that I would not have been able to otherwise.
TISS has redefined and upheld diversity unlike any other educational institution and it is this very principle of the institute that makes it so close to my heart.
About the Author
Ishma Raina is a first-year masters student in Human Resources Management and Labour Relations at TISS Mumbai. A member of the Aspirants Relations Committee, she loves talking to new people and writing about anything and everything.