About a month back, I wrote about the technique that could help you in your verbal section. It basically had tips regarding small quirks you could adopt to intrinsically develop and gradually improve better verbal tackling techniques.
In this article, I would like to throw a little light on how I improved my Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning.
I applied this technique when nothing seemed to work for me.
The realization lies in the fact that I have a subjective brain which has a difficulty in thinking objectively and hence, I failed at reading the information provided in between the lines.
With CAT coming closer the anxiety factor starts to increase and along with it the worry of not being able to perform in the most boisterous section of CAT.
For me, a technique called as "The Viking Method" works very well, which basically means to practice as much as I can and to come across as many examples of DI as I can.
This is not a new method, this has been there since the start of the first competitive exam and has proven to be the most successful method.
So this method knows no disappointment when stumbled upon failure, which means you falter, you get up, you learn and move on.
The approach to this method starts with practising as many as 12-15 sets per day till you feel like you have encountered every type of question. Now the sources of these questions can be various sectional tests available or the preparation books available. Finish one and move to the next source. For example, I started with “Time sectional tests for DI/LR” attempting at least 2 sectional tests daily.
Initially, I didn’t bother about the time. I just concentrated on the process of learning. Initially, I was able to solve 2-3 sets in one hour and the remaining sets were solved after the timing got over. In my case, I wanted to get acquainted with the wide range of questions starting from beginner to advanced level.
Once you are through with a particular range of questions you can start working on your timing. Increase the accuracy and then work on your timing. This will also help you identify questions you are not comfortable with solving or which might take a lot of time and effort.CAT is all about selective performance. The one thing you need to do all along and consistently is not to get disheartened.
I have improved quite a lot from this technique. My initial percentile was in the range of 60-something and now it is in the range of 90-95; mostly near 90 or 91. But it has improved quite a lot. Therefore I would recommend that an additional effort of solving a complete range of one Data Interpretation source or in some cases 2 would definitely help. This has to be done other than the normal mocks you have been attempting and the normal studies that you are doing. This is an extra effort for a section which requires an extra effort.
The approach is quite simple yet it is quite consuming, but it starts showing results sooner than you expect.
This is a small insight from my side. A method that I tried and it worked. We don’t need to dive into various sources all at once but we need to start with one and complete it before we decide to move on to the next.
This technique involves not bending or getting disheartened when you don’t solve all the questions in the gamut, it involves plodding your way towards the success. Whatever you are following as your study material, complete it first, at least if you are suffering in DI/LR.
It will surely help.
All The best.
Bibek Pradhan
Hello medha, thanks a lot for your insights. can you please post the link of the article that you wrote one month back
6 Sep 2018, 01.49 PM