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Case Study

26 Stories

Product Management Practice Case Study: LinkedIn

Product management practice case study interviews are like brain teasers for aspiring product managers! It typically involves a hypothetical business problem or scenario that the candidate is asked to analyze

Take A Seat In The MyGate App Case Study Discussion At NBS Ahmedabad

In today’s episode of 'Take A Seat,' we take you inside a marketing case study discussion in an MBA classroom at Narayana Business School.

Take A Seat In Bournvita Case Study Discussion At IRMA

We’re back with another episode of our Take A Seat video series!

Take a Seat in India’s 1st Startup B-School | Growth in Uncertain Times - Urban Company Case Study

Join us for today’s Take a Seat episode, where Varun Khaitan, co-founder of Urban Company (formerly UrbanClap), delves into his company’s growth challenges amidst uncertain times and details how he

Take a Seat in a Marketing Case Study: Why Should a 40Y Old Brand REBRAND Itself? Ft. BIMTECH

We are back with another video in one of your favourite series, ‘Take a Seat in an MBA Classroom’.

Take A Seat In A Marketing Class | Case study: Luxury Brand’s Dilemma | Great Lakes Gurgaon

We are back with another video in the ‘Take a Seat’ video series for all of you. In this video, we have Prof. Jones Mathew, Director of the PGPM program

Take A Seat in an MBA Classroom of NIA | Progressive Corp U.S. Auto Insurance Case Study

We're back with your favourite 'Take a Seat' series! Today, fasten your seatbelts for an exclusive peek into the world of MBA classrooms at the National Insurance Academy.

Case Study | Decoding Zara, Its Supply Chain & Why Its A USD 15 Bn Brand

Most fashion houses refresh their trends every 3-4 months and that’s how you get different seasons, collections like Summer, Fall, etc., and ‘End-of-the-Season’ Sales. In those 3-4 months, brands scout