When each of them left, it felt like an ice pick shot through my throat throbbing into the heart creating a void in my life. When I knew I wasn’t going to see most of them anytime soon and that I cannot meet them anytime I wanted to or they wouldn’t be just a knock away, filled my throat with heaviness bringing tears to my eyes. The long hugs we gave each other couldn’t justify the love and care we had for one and another. As days went by, I grew cold as loneliness filled my soul and I realised that every journey of life comes to an end, most of them with pain and not with happiness. Happiness is rather ephemeral and doesn’t have the strength to etch our hearts for life like pain does.
Most of us are in a similar position now, lets us all embrace this time together for we don’t know when we can meet one another as easily we do now. Life is all about love and friendship! Stay in touch with your best friends forever as without them you would not be yourself.