Thank you for registering for the UltraTech India Next Campus Edition 2019. Now that the competition is underway, it is important for you to become well-versed with the participation format, important dates, and the most important of them all - the rules of the game! Know more about crucial submission dates, important rules, round details and more, in this guide.
Important Note - The last date to submit entries for Round 1 is 26th August 2019 (Monday). Entries later than this will not be accepted.
*This is a promoted feature.
UltraTech India Next Campus Edition 2019 - Participation Format
- Students will have to form a team of 3 to participate in the competition.
- All the participants need to provide their details under a ‘Team Name’ while registering.
- Students are required to use their college ID for registration.
- Students registering multiple times from different ID’s will be disqualified.
UltraTech India Next Campus Edition 2019 - Rules of The Game
1. Each team needs to pick up an infrastructure challenge that any city is facing and come up with a solution for the same.
2. In Round 1, teams need to pick a challenge and come up with a solution in not more than 3 slides/pages (PPT/PDF), focusing on:
- Why they selected a particular idea.
- Forecasted impact of the project on the area and the city in the First Round.
It is recommended that candidates prepare a one-pager PPT/PDF for crisp and concise presentation.
3. Teams can use photographs, infographics, charts or any other images in their PPT/PDF to make it interesting. Please note that the submission of the file name should be in the format: College Name_Team Name.
Don't Forget! The last date to submit entries for Round 1 is 26th August 2019 (Monday). Entries later than this will not be accepted.
4. Selected teams, based on the merit of their idea and its forecasted impact, will be informed about their selection to Round 2.
5. In Round 2, teams need to shoot a video and prepare a pitch to generate funding from both Govt. /Community and Private organizations. The video can be shot on your mobile phones. One or more members from each team could present their ideas on video, explaining the merit of the same in the limited time frame.
6. Participants will then have to upload their files on YouTube (public/unlisted) and share the link of the same on Kampus Konversations app. If you choose to upload a video link, kindly follow these steps:
- Log-in to YouTube.
- Upload the video and keep the channel settings as public/unlisted.
- Upload the YouTube link on the Kampus Konversations app.
7. Teams from Round 2 will be selected based on the effectiveness, uniqueness and implementation ability of the ideas. Selected teams will be called up to present their ideas in front of industry stalwarts/government authorities across the industry in Mumbai.
For any queries or support, click on the SUPPORT button on the Kampus Konversations App. You can also e-mail your queries to
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UltraTech India Next Campus Edition 2019 - About The Competition
UltraTech, in association with InsideIIM, has come up with the UltraTech India Next Campus Edition 2019 for MBA students across India’s campuses. We want India’s best minds to solve some of India’s biggest infrastructure problems. Over the course of the competition, students will have to come up with an idea, a strategy, an execution plan for urban India that will not get confined to the folder of an HR professional at UltraTech. The winning ideas will be taken to the industry stalwarts for presentation!
Read more about the UltraTech India Next Campus Edition 2019 here.