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Why Are Indian Universities Not In The Top 30 Of The QS University Rankings?

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R Thomas

Global Citizen, 3rd Cultural Kid, Backgrounds in IT and Digital Marketing (Graduated from USyd Business School, etc)

To add to your post, I will add these also which are reasons why the Indian Education System including the Higher Education System have a long way to go to be the best even within Asia (The World's Best Educational Systems anyway are South Korea, Singapore, Japan, HK while Finland, Canada, Estonia are also there where as, the Indian one has challenges though when it comes to Higher Education, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore, China including HK, Japan, Germany, etc are all there where Citations or Research Papers - Quality and Quantity - USA vs China for the Lead though Few Other Nations are there too for it): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 21st Century via Online Education whether Primary, Secondary or Higher Education, Many Nations AREN'T READY for Most of the Population while other Nations including India, there are many other issues TOO including the Rich vs Rest Scenario, Research including Quality being behind, Infrastructure, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, before I add to the blog, I am a person who started my Education with the Western one before landing with the Indian Educational System of Kerala State Board, ICSE, CBSE and Bangalore University (Christ College and now Christ deemed to be University) before landing back to the Western one including the University of Sydney (Also, studied at 2 Other Australian Universities).---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, coming back, in India, there’s been a lot of the Spoonfeeding from Parents and Teachers to the Kids, Rote Learning System, focusing on 1 book or so for each subject including at Higher Education till at least 10 Years Back. In Developed Countries whether Western or Asian, right from the time kids are toddlers, Observational/Research side is put into them. For example, in Finland, kids are allowed to play where they are encouraged to Observe their Surroundings. This Observational/Research skills by having more CURIOSITY including finding things out ONLINE is encouraged more as they grow up in Developed Countries of West which Singapore, South Korea, Japan and others have got on too. Those kids are then encouraged to share that Knowledge in Class via Discussions starting from Primary Education which goes on to Higher Education. So, having just 1 Textbook isn’t Enough as Kids are encouraged to read from Academic Literature (Academic Journal Articles), Books, News Articles or Trends related to Topics studying etc. That’s where Online helps. Plus, Students are tested on Problem Solving, Collaborative sides, etc using VARK Learning.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, reading in Physical World is different from Online 1. Online World,1 would do SKIMMING of article 1st and relate keywords, main topic side and important content to other Articles, books, videos, etc where 1 would then read and watch the full book, article, video, etc. Physical 1, 1 would just read the full book and they may not read other Books or Articles or watch videos that are related to it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writing for the Web: Creating Compelling Web Content Using Words, Pictures and Sound is a Good Book to show how Digital differs from Physical including how to get the Attention side when Digital is DISTRACTIVE (Kindle without the Internet OR Distraction-Free Features on a Laptop including Disabling Notifications while Reading or Typing on a Laptop or Desktop helps). In fact, Technology has gone over to AR/MR/VR, AI, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, coming back to India’s case, Electric Power Infrastructure, Per Capita Income or rather Affordability (High Levels of Income and Wealth Inequality), Internet Speeds and Prices are few of the Issues for Online 21st Century Education along with Communicative side where it is easier to understand in local Languages in general. Online and Integrated Education with Global In-depth Research being sort of new in India will take time but Basics of Curiosity including via Encouragement of Researching and Finding Out on Own, Quality Learning via Collaborative Discussions and more, Communicating need to be there no matter the medium if STUDENTS NEED TO LEARN. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, India has a Long Way to go whether with Primary or Secondary or Higher Education with BASICS itself, if want to catch up with the Best Globally (Not Just in Asia).

16 Jun 2020, 11.58 PMEdited

Swastik Mitra

no other country has institutes taking in students just by looking at their surname. It is a major reason why india is still so far behind.

17 Jun 2020, 03.46 PM

Rahul Saini

Accept it.. the "famed" institutes of India are simply not up to the mark, and are not even a match to top institutes in China let alone USA and the world. Stop wearing the "tag" outside the country if you manage to be there because quite simply, no one knows about your "tag" and hardly cares.

12 Dec 2020, 01.13 PMEdited

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R Thomas

Global Citizen, 3rd Cultural Kid, Backgrounds in IT and Digital Marketing (Graduated from USyd Business School, etc)

To add to your post, I will add these also which are reasons why the Indian Education System including the Higher Education System have a long way to go to be the best even within Asia (The World's Best Educational Systems anyway are South Korea, Singapore, Japan, HK while Finland, Canada, Estonia are also there where as, the Indian one has challenges though when it comes to Higher Education, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore, China including HK, Japan, Germany, etc are all there where Citations or Research Papers - Quality and Quantity - USA vs China for the Lead though Few Other Nations are there too for it): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 21st Century via Online Education whether Primary, Secondary or Higher Education, Many Nations AREN'T READY for Most of the Population while other Nations including India, there are many other issues TOO including the Rich vs Rest Scenario, Research including Quality being behind, Infrastructure, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, before I add to the blog, I am a person who started my Education with the Western one before landing with the Indian Educational System of Kerala State Board, ICSE, CBSE and Bangalore University (Christ College and now Christ deemed to be University) before landing back to the Western one including the University of Sydney (Also, studied at 2 Other Australian Universities).---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, coming back, in India, there’s been a lot of the Spoonfeeding from Parents and Teachers to the Kids, Rote Learning System, focusing on 1 book or so for each subject including at Higher Education till at least 10 Years Back. In Developed Countries whether Western or Asian, right from the time kids are toddlers, Observational/Research side is put into them. For example, in Finland, kids are allowed to play where they are encouraged to Observe their Surroundings. This Observational/Research skills by having more CURIOSITY including finding things out ONLINE is encouraged more as they grow up in Developed Countries of West which Singapore, South Korea, Japan and others have got on too. Those kids are then encouraged to share that Knowledge in Class via Discussions starting from Primary Education which goes on to Higher Education. So, having just 1 Textbook isn’t Enough as Kids are encouraged to read from Academic Literature (Academic Journal Articles), Books, News Articles or Trends related to Topics studying etc. That’s where Online helps. Plus, Students are tested on Problem Solving, Collaborative sides, etc using VARK Learning.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, reading in Physical World is different from Online 1. Online World,1 would do SKIMMING of article 1st and relate keywords, main topic side and important content to other Articles, books, videos, etc where 1 would then read and watch the full book, article, video, etc. Physical 1, 1 would just read the full book and they may not read other Books or Articles or watch videos that are related to it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writing for the Web: Creating Compelling Web Content Using Words, Pictures and Sound is a Good Book to show how Digital differs from Physical including how to get the Attention side when Digital is DISTRACTIVE (Kindle without the Internet OR Distraction-Free Features on a Laptop including Disabling Notifications while Reading or Typing on a Laptop or Desktop helps). In fact, Technology has gone over to AR/MR/VR, AI, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, coming back to India’s case, Electric Power Infrastructure, Per Capita Income or rather Affordability (High Levels of Income and Wealth Inequality), Internet Speeds and Prices are few of the Issues for Online 21st Century Education along with Communicative side where it is easier to understand in local Languages in general. Online and Integrated Education with Global In-depth Research being sort of new in India will take time but Basics of Curiosity including via Encouragement of Researching and Finding Out on Own, Quality Learning via Collaborative Discussions and more, Communicating need to be there no matter the medium if STUDENTS NEED TO LEARN. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, India has a Long Way to go whether with Primary or Secondary or Higher Education with BASICS itself, if want to catch up with the Best Globally (Not Just in Asia).

16 Jun 2020, 11.58 PMEdited

Swastik Mitra

no other country has institutes taking in students just by looking at their surname. It is a major reason why india is still so far behind.

17 Jun 2020, 03.46 PM

Rahul Saini

Accept it.. the "famed" institutes of India are simply not up to the mark, and are not even a match to top institutes in China let alone USA and the world. Stop wearing the "tag" outside the country if you manage to be there because quite simply, no one knows about your "tag" and hardly cares.

12 Dec 2020, 01.13 PMEdited