You are not truly an IIM L property unless you put up that quintessential Facebook profile picture, standing next to the IIM L logo at the convocation stage in complete business formals. Relax! We all did it along with the “Started school at IIML …” check-ins.
The moment you enter the campus, the astonishing feeling of “Eat this cause I have made it” enthrals you. While you strap on for one ‘HEL(L)’ of a ride, the induction program is just a teaser to tell you what you have signed up for. Admit it! As a PGP1, you were glad that it got over, while one year later as PGP2 when the tables turn, you can’t get enough of it!
(*Wink Wink*)
Remember asking directions to the PGP block? CHINTAN! MANTHAN! SAMANJASYA! BODHIGRAH! Did sound like nuclear missile names right? Believe it or not, we all have looked up their dictionary meaning at least once and are still confused about them. Some serious heavy dosage of Hindi.
During your stay at IIML, the one word that you have used more than your own name is “Globe”. “Globe subject hai”, “Tu Glober hai Bhai!”, “Globing mat kar” are the frequently used grammatical forms. No wonder if oxford someday decides to officiate the word.
THE CAMPUS SURVIVAL KIT (Sardar Ji | Gupta Ji| Pandit Ji )
One cannot simply live at IIM L and have no change pending with Sardar ji. From pineapple juice to pilot pen Gupta Ji to the rescue. Pandit Ji’s auto service at you ease, goes from 20 to 140 kmps depending upon how much time is left for your flight.
Term 1 – Six notebooks (1 for each subject)
Term 6 – 1 notebooks (few pages stapled together, just to pretend that you’re scribbling during the class).
We believe too much in going green that most of our notes are in form of .pptx, .pdf or sometimes even .jpeg (Bhai! notes WhatsApp kardiyo QAM ke!)
The true test of friendship is when your friend manages to get extra Dosa for you on a Sunday morning breakfast where everybody on earth has gathered to hustle for that one dosa. Admit it the situation is nothing less than a zombie invasion. #DosaIsLife
You are more worried about your attendance than even your birthday or anniversaries. The first thing you do is to calculate 20% of total lectures. You make sure all your buffers are intact to a point when you can sleep over one or two. Who wants a letter grade drop anyway right?
MANDATORY ATTENDANCE …. Because Karma Is Watching
Just when you are all set to go out for a movie,*New mail received* <Mandatory attendance please find the list enclosed> and BAM! All your plans are shattered. And not to forget *Dress code: Business Formals* always in your case.
3.00 AM - Too early to sleep | 6.00 AM -Too late to sleep now. That’s us! There are days when you just have enough time to rush to your classroom with no time to brush your teeth.
(Pro Tip- Always keep Mint in your bag)
In the end no matter what you are going to miss each and every bit of it, so sit back and enjoy while you still can.