Final Placements Preparation For Operations Role

Nov 27, 2019 | 10 minutes |
Final placements are just around the corner. By now you should be clear about your goals, and work hard on achieving them. If becoming an operations manager is your dream, then you have a long ride ahead of you. You need to prepare your CV, brush up on your concepts and become interview ready. In this article, we will give you detailed information on roles in operations, basic concepts that you should know, the research you need to do to stay fully prepared for the interview and more.  WATPI S05 - In-Article Top Ad  

Job Roles


Crucial Concepts

Operation management is basically an umbrella concept which involves all kinds of activities related to the production of goods and services for an organisation. One can achieve efficiency by a bunch of different techniques. Hence, before we jump into the concepts. One basic question an interviewer may ask you is - What exactly do you think is the scope of operation management?
  1. Can you explain a bottleneck with an example? How do you remove a bottleneck?
  2. What is the throughput?
  3. You may also be asked a numerical problem on this topic.
  1. Are you aware of Marketplace and Inventory led a kind of business model? Please explain with some examples.
  2. What model does Amazon follow? 
  1. What are the main activities that are involved in Logistics Management?
  2. What purpose can a trans-docking serve? Other than changing the transport? 
  3. What are the advantages of a hub and spoke model over a traditional point to point system?
  4. Are you familiar with the real-life uses of the hub and spoke model in logistics?
  5. Why do many companies prefer 3PL providers?
  6. Are you aware of Hyper-Local and 3-Hr Deliveries?
  7. Can you discuss a couple of examples of reverse logistics?
  1. What are the different types of inventory that should be kept track of, other than the obvious finished goods inventory?
  2. What are the functions of storing inventory, other than meet demand?
  3. As an Inventory Manager, which class of inventory would you focus on if you have classified your inventory on the basis of ABC classification? Why?
  4. What are the advantages of classifying inventory on ABC basis?
  5. I plan to open a bakery. What kind of inventory cost do you expect I would face?
  6. Is it possible for the EOQ to be practically implemented? What are its limitations and how will you mitigate them?
  7. How do you think the Bullwhip effect plays out in a car company? What would be the consequences and how would you mitigate them?
  8. Can you tell us about any company that has implemented VMI? What are the advantages?
  1. Are you aware of six sigma? Can you tell us about a company who has implemented this?
  2. Can you explain DMAIC with an example? Have you ever personally used it?
  1. Can you explain the concept of JIT? Do you know of any company who has implemented this successfully? 
  2. What is the meaning of Kanban? Is it useful?
  3. Have you heard of the concept of Poka-Yoke? What does it aim to do?
  4. What is Andon? Have you seen Andon or a similar technique used in real life?
  5. Please explain Jidoka with an example.
  6. What is the 3M concept used by the Japanese in Operation Management?
  7. What is 5S? Can you provide an example of how it might be used in a place other than a shop floor? 

Interview Prep

  1. In order to ace an operations interview you need to develop a deeper understanding of concepts like - types of processing, production layout, Make a stock vs Make an order, inventory management, logistics management, six sigma principles, PDCA, Japanese philosophies of operation management, Bullwhip effect, transshipment, hub & stroke model, etc.
  2. It is also better to learn and understand the E-business model since many companies in this sector are now popular recruiters in business schools. 
  3. Be prepared to get asked (or grilled over) even the minutest of the details that you have mentioned in your resume. You should definitely prepare a good answer for, “tell me about yourself”. You can also mention things from your past experiences or extracurricular activities. Instead of bragging, tell them what impact did they have in your life.
  4. Apart from that, you need to do some hygiene checks to like - company research, how to approach a certain company interview process (GD, PI, case interviews), grooming and body language.  
  5. Stay updated with the latest developments taking place in your domain. For this do a lot of reading. Your reading diet should include - one business newspaper, online resources, periodicals, journals, etc. 


Online Resources Others Curious about learning these concepts to crack interviews? Check out the Finance Interview Prep Course on Konversations here.