The world has become truly global. Boundaries are fading away with each passing day and more and more companies are looking for ways to go global. They are not just thinking of India or any other particular country for their operations and businesses. In such a dynamic world, managers who are going to be part of such companies need to also have a global bent towards business. And to help managers get that, there is a B-school in India that has been helping students for a decade now. We are talking about SDA Bocconi Asia Center, a B-school situated at the heart of Mumbai. Today, we have the MD of SDA Bocconi Asia Center Alessandro Giuliani and Career Development Services and corporate relations Head Mr. Sandeep Ranjan in this webinar who would give us insights on how a global b-school is the need of the hour for you and what can you do to maximize your potential. They will talk about future job trends, skills and qualities companies are looking for in managers of tomorrow and how SDA Bocconi Asia Center is preparing for the challenging world out there.
Alessandro Giuliani
A Board Member of the Indo-Italian Chamber of Commerce Alessandro is a Serial Entrepreneur who has built successful companies in Italy, Spain, China & India. He has also led businesses in diverse sectors in including Luxury, FMCG, and Retail. He is currently the Managing Director at SDA Bocconi Asia Center.
Sandeep Ranjan
Sandeep is the CDS & Corporate Relations Head at SDA Bocconi Asia Center who is a seasoned professional when it comes to corporate relations and end-to-end campus placements for leading B-schools.
Topic: Can A Global B-school Be The Right Fit For You Now?
Date: 18th January 2022, Tuesday
Time: 6:00 PM
Duration: 1 hour
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