Pallav Goyal scored a 99.98%ile in CAT 2022 and will be joining IIM Ahmedabad for his MBA. He completed his graduation in Economics Honours from Hindu College After which he started working with ICICI bank as an Ascend trainee. In this video, he talks about how he boosted his VARC scores from 92%ile in his previous attempt to 99.46%ile this year which further boosted up his overall percentile. Pallav takes a keen interest in mentoring students and also runs a youtube channel by the name of 'Road To CAT 99'. We hope you find his strategies helpful for your VARC preparation. Stay tuned for more such videos from CAT and other exam toppers.
How I Improved My VARC Scores And Got Into IIM Ahmedabad Ft. Pallav Goyal, CAT 99.98%iler
22 May, 2023
22 May, 2023
Pradeep Bairagi
Congtulations bro
24 May 2023, 05.31 PM