When we talk about summer internships, everyone focuses on getting a Pre Placement Offer (PPO). Everyone wants one, but not everyone gets one. What happens when you don’t get a PPO or a PPI? Have you considered what you would do in such a scenario? Imagine working in one of the top companies, only to end your summer internship without any offer or interview. What do you do then? That’s what this article is all about.
Such was the case with Jai Prakash Sunkoori. Then a student of IIM Lucknow, he bagged a summer internship with the prestigious Mahindra Group. Jai fondly recalls his experience in Mahindra, where he had the privilege of working with some of the finest in the industry. Instead of individual projects, as is the case in most summer internships, Mahindra’s internship went the experimental route by giving its interns group projects.
During his internship, Jai got the opportunity to interact with individuals from across the board. Since all the interns from different ventures of Mahindra were staying under one roof, he was exposed to cross industry learning, which further added value to his summer internship. Jai worked in Sales Strategy, and his group was tasked with increasing the sales of Mahindra Thar. He made the most of his time in Mahindra, gaining invaluable exposure along with making close friends.
After a very enlightening and enriching experience, Jai’s summer internship came to an anticlimactic end; he did not have a PPO or a PPI.
“Of course, I was sad. It was quite disheartening.” Jai says, recalling the moment he realised he won’t be getting a PPO. However, he did not consider it the end of the world. Looking at it realistically, Jai told InsideIIM how he made his peace with the situation and quickly moved to planning his next step.
“You have to understand, it is impossible for everyone to get a PPO.”
After his summer internship, Jai focused on what he had learned from his three months with Mahindra. Most students are focused on the brand they want to work for or the company they want to work with. Very few students focus on their job profile. However, it is essential that you enjoy the work you do.
Keeping a positive outlook, Jai spent enough time identifying the aspects of his summer internship that he enjoyed the most, and recognising the role he wished to pursue in his career. Even today, he looks to his summer internship with Mahindra as a positive learning experience. Having already worked in a startup, as well as a giant like Amazon, Jai realised early in his career that he wanted to go for a business development and consultancy profile.
“Your work makes up for a large part of your life. If you aren’t enjoying it then you will have a tough time growing.”
Today, Jai Prakash Sunkoori works as a Business Development Consultant with Google. You would be wondering how he got into such a behemoth of a company despite not having a PPO at the end of his summer internship.
Talking about the interview process at Google, Jai says, “The Google interview was quite fun, and challenging”. There were several rounds, all of which happened on the same day. To crack the interviews, he resorted to a few simple tricks: he kept himself up to date with the company’s work and answered every question in detail with clarity.
When asked what it was that helped him crack his interview, Jai says, “It is important to structure your answers.” The interviewers countered every point he made, but his carefully crafted answers made it easy for him to respond to and refute their counters. Without repeating himself, Jai tackled his interview with confidence and clarity.
“Not having a PPO after your summer internship doesn’t mean you won’t get an offer at all. There are many good companies out there, so one mustn’t get disheartened. Placements happen later in the year as well.”
That is exactly what happened in Jai’s case. Not having a PPO did not reflect poorly on his profile at all. In fact, all his past experience shone brightly on his CV. Having recognised his ideal role early on, he focused on honing relevant skills and gaining relevant experience throughout his career.
As a Business Development Consultant, Jai’s role in Google includes bringing clients on board. His responsibilities include both strategizing and executing plans. In addition, he is tasked with educating traditional clients who don’t have a digital presence.
“Google is an amazing employer. It motivates you, gives you a lot of autonomy.”
Jai Prakash Sunkoori’s career has been a very inspiring tale of success. He has tackled some very big problems with little more than a positive attitude and clear planning. His simple philosophy in plotting his career path is something that we all can learn from.
“Focus on the role, not the company. If you’re passionate about what you’re doing, you will be able to learn more and prosper.”