The next thing I picked up was Geometry because the Geometry questions count has always been quite high, and if you know it, it is very easy for you to solve. The best part about Geometry is to get the concepts very right, and then it just drops down to formulas. I referred to the Takzshila videos on YouTube and for Geometry, personally liked it and would highly recommend it to anyone who wants an in-depth understanding of Geometry.
Next, I picked up other areas. I completed my Quants syllabus till October mid, which was quite late but since, it was my weakest part, I had to put in extra efforts.
What is the trick which will do wonders?
Magic is not going to happen overnight. CAT requires consistency and efforts. You will have to study every day and put in those extra hours to overcome your weakest sections and weakest parts. But before that, it is very important to understand what exactly are your strengths and weaknesses.
Even if my quants syllabus was not complete, yet I used to give 1 mock per week till September and increased it to 2 mocks per week in October and 3 mocks per week in November.
What is the most important part of preparation?
Analysis of mocks. You have to analyse each and every mock before you move forward to giving another mock. I made a list of mistakes that I had committed in the first mock and made sure to not repeat them and make new mistakes. Get used to the pattern of CAT and for Quants, it is all about concepts. Get it right and there is nothing, which can stop you!
All the best!!
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