Finance often comes as a mammoth task to handle for many, which holds true even for MBA aspirants. Some finance principles seem so complicated that students sometimes fail to act upon their own personal finances. In such a scenario, what if we tell you that there is one B-school that helps you be part of an investment fund and gives you asset management roles while you study? With an objective of teaching investment strategy to invest in startups, capital markets, derivatives and real estate, Masters’ Union has this unique student run investment fund with a Rs. 5 Cr. corpus set aside. We wanted to know more about the fund and how it is run and thus, spoke to four Masters’ Union students about it.
*This is a promoted feature.
Masters’ Union student fund is claimed to be India’s largest student-managed investment fund and what better way to understand it than asking the students themselves who are managing it. Abhiram, Amee, Prateek and Anirbit are all part of this fund and they told us in detail about the idea of the fund, its day to day activities and how it is helping them in understanding the real world of funding and finance better.
If you wish to know more about the fund or the B-school that is changing the dynamics of the overall B-school space, click here: