With CAT Results out and the IIMs releasing the shortlists for the WAT-PI Rounds, filling up the Personal Data Forms of the IIMs so as to create a great impression becomes crucial. This is because even before you face the panel during your interview, the Personal Data Form is the document which could make or mar the impression you make on the panel. This article covers the filling of the Personal Data Form of IIM Indore.
For the form of IIM Indore, first, you would have to fill out your sectional percentiles and your preferred order of opting for PGP-Indore, PGP-Mumbai, and PGP-HRM. The form would ideally consist of five sections, namely: Personal Data, Educational Qualifications, Work Experience, Scholastic and Extracurricular Activities, and Declaration. Let’s have a look at all the sections individually.
1. Personal Data: The data here would require the filling up of basic details like Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Address, Email ID, Mobile Number, Annual Parental Income, Nationality, Category, Caste and Person with Disability (Y/N).
2. Educational Qualifications: Here you would have to fill up the levels of educations along with the Years of Completion, Boards of Education, Maximum Marks/CGPA, Marks/CGPA Obtained, Percentage of Marks Obtained. Also, there would be an entire table for entering the year wise/ semester wise CGPA/marks for Bachelor's Degree. It should be noted that different colleges have different conversions of CGPA to percentages. So, that should be followed and a proof of the same conversion should be carried to the WAT-PI Venue.
3. Work Experience: Here only paid and full-time work experience after the completion of Bachelor’s Degree needs to be included. You will have to enter the Organization, Designation, From (Date), To (Date), Completed Months, Monthly Remuneration, Nature of Analysis and Reason for Leaving (if you have switched jobs or resigned).
4. Scholastic and Extracurricular Activities: This section generally includes two questions:
i. Scholastic Awards or Scholarships conferred on you. Give details about your accomplishments, awards received and position held in sports and hobbies: You will have to list your accomplishments and awards as a response to this question. Please make sure that you have proof of every accomplishment/award mentioned.
ii. Why do you wish to pursue an education in management and what is your career plan(s)? : For this question, it would be good if you draw from your experience to cite your reason for pursuing an MBA. Also, for the career plans, give it a good thought to decide your long-term and short-term career plans and include the same. Make sure that your short-term goals align with the accomplishment of your long-term goals.
5. Declaration: This is just to confirm that the data given by you are true to the best of your knowledge and you would have to upload a signature of yours and submit the same. Please make sure that you re-read the entire form before submitting and keep a copy saved with you.
While filling the form, it is imperative that there is no false information which is filled because it might lead to cancellation of candidature.
This form is the equivalent of a resume that is then used for further shortlisting. Hence, it should be filled very carefully and must highlight a student’s best qualities.