The rounds for the selection process were – two rounds of technical followed by a final HR round. There were around four panels for the technical rounds. The first technical round for my panel was a rigorous one. It not only demanded a depth in technical knowledge but also my perspective on the emerging financial market and also the global current affairs in the domain of finance.
HR round was a general round pertaining to one’s educational and social background in order to judge the competency and commitment as a part of the company. They primarily focused on how the candidates were able to relate to the core values of the company.
After completion of the process, waiting for the results was probably the toughest part. In a while, our placecom chairperson arrived with the results and seven people were selected for the role in Barclays and I was one of them. Hearing out the name aloud was THE moment of happiness. It finally paid off after putting in all this hard work for the last one and a half years.
A tip that I would like to share with the Aspirants :
1. Focus on learning the basics of the subject,
2. Make yourself familiar with the current affairs as well as macroeconomic events.
Manish Gogoi
"2nd year MBA Student at IFMR GSB Krea University"