One of the most recurring demands from InsideIIM's eager community of CAT aspirants is of CAT preparation tips from non-engineers who, despite weak academic profiles, managed to make it to India's top IIMs. Today, we bring to you an insightful and inspirational story of a hotel management graduate who managed to crack the CAT exam and is now heading to IIM Kozhikode. This non-engineer went from scoring only 44 percent in Maths in 12th to acing the QA and DILR sections of the CAT exam in his very first attempt. So how did he do it? Find out in this video filled with unmissable tips to crack the CAT exam.
Debansu Mukhopadhyay is a hotel management graduate from IHMCTAN Mumbai, and after spending some time working with Oberoi Hotels and Resorts, he decided to quit his job and prepare for the CAT exam with the dream of making it to one of India's top IIMs. However, the odds of cracking CAT were stacked against him: he was a non-engineer who was not only very weak at maths but also had not been in touch with Quantitative subjects after high-school. To further complicate matters, Debansu's academic profile is one that would be considered "below average" by IIM standards. Despite every indication of a tough road ahead, Debansu began his CAT preparation from the month of March and buttressed his weak areas (QA and DILR) by practicing daily and gaining concept clarity.
In this video, Debansu dives deep into his CAT preparation and provides excellent insights as to what one must to do crack this exam and feature amongst the top-1% of all test-takers. Regardless of whether you're an engineer or non-engineer, if you're afraid of the CAT exam's QA and DILR sections and need a strategy that actually works, this video is a must-watch for you.
Also Read → Should You Quit Your Job To Prepare For CAT This Year? Perspective From A 99 Percentiler Who Quit His Job
Debansu's academic profile includes 89.3% marks in 10th, 76% marks in 12th, and 77% marks in graduation. Debansu has work experience of 20 months in Sales and Marketing. He converted IIM Kozhikode, MDI Gurgaon, IIM Shillong, and all of the CAP IIMs. Debansu also scored 95+ percentile in the XAT exam and was shortlisted for the XLRI-BM interview processes. Due to IIM Kozhikode's policy of not revealing candidates' CAT percentiles, we are unable to mention his overall and sectional CAT 2020 performance in this video.