Imagine getting calls from IIM A, IIM B and IIM C. Wait, how? And what next? Well, if you’re lucky enough to get shortlisted for what are probably the top 3 b-schools in India, you have to prepare for the GD-PI rounds next. So how to prepare in such a way that you manage to crack all three b-schools? While a lot depends on your interviewers, you can also take control of some aspects of the GD-PI process and prepare accordingly. What are we talking about? Well, for starters, we’re referring to customising your GD-PI strategy based on the b-schools you’re interviewing for. But in order to do this, you need to know what each b-school expects from students during the interview process, right? Well, meet Ayush Gupta, Ex Deloitte and currently set to intern at Strategy &, Accenture’s consulting arm. Ayush, currently an IIM A student, was lucky enough to be shortlisted for IIM A, IIM B and IIM C. What’s more, he got admission to all 3 b-schools too! Find out how Ayush zeroed in on a b-school, and how he prepared for IIM A, IIM B, IIM C interviews in this video.
What are the major differences in the IIM A, IIM B and IIM C interview processes? How do these b-schools shortlist final admits? Does reading information about selection criteria give you enough information? Ayush Gupta, IIM A, shares how he cracked IIM A, B and C in this video. He talks about the major difference between interview styles for all 3 b-schools. He shares how he prepared for each b-school with a unique perspective on how these schools select students. Finally, Ayush shares how he selected IIM A, after getting admits from A, B and C.
If you wish to know the major differences between the IIM A, B and C in terms of the selection process, this is a must-watch for you.
Key Takeaways
- IIM A looks for students with a unique perspective.
- IIM B looks for students with interesting experiences and subsequent learnings.
- IIM C focuses on good academic backgrounds.
- Be well of any written communication you’ve provided to the b-school.
- Fill the b-school application forms correctly.
- Use anchors or hints while writing your SOPs, application forms, WAT, etc, that help you lead the conversation during GDs and PIs.
Here's another video where Aayush explains why he chose IIM Ahmedabad over IIM Bangalore and IIM Calcutta. Take a look!