Life at IIM Bangalore is an experience and that experience can only be admired...
The Campus
Waking up to a beautiful balmy morning filled with the melodious twittering of the birds is something which is extremely rare amidst the hustle and bustle of the cities and is only confined to this lush green campus. With greeneries all around, a sense of freshness and satisfaction comes instinctively by a meagre stroll through this beautiful campus.
The Preparation
Reading pages and pages of articles and going through all sorts of possible solutions to the case scheduled to be discussed in the next day’s lecture is a devitalizing yet an indelible experience. From a nightmare, it slowly becomes a habit, ingrained within and a difficult one to get rid of.
The Lectures
The experience of a lecture is something that is extremely difficult to pen down in a line or two. The lectures perspire the students to the extreme limits as well as create a life-long impact on the wit, understanding and reasoning prowess of the students.
The Project Group Meetings
Countless hours of brainstorming sessions in the Discussion Rooms or in the EPGP Lounge to make an attractive presentation and prepare an engaging project report which reflects the amount of dedication and commitment shown by the group working day in and day out.
The Exams and Quizzes
Something which is difficult to avoid and something which haunts the students every other week. Sleepless nights, hundreds of pages to read and thousands of random thoughts popping up in the mind, this is one of the toughest phases a student encounters during the stay at IIM Bangalore and manages to survive by uttering the magical phrase ‘This too shall pass’.
The Games and Sports
A sport a day keeps the stress away. A plethora of sporting facilities starting from frisbee to football, an hour of engagement in any of the sporting activities is both refreshing and exhilarating.
The Clubs and Events
From Music and Art to Consulting and Marketing, the clubs and societies function dedicatedly in organising all sorts of events and activities on the campus to keep the student community engaged and involved. Being a member of a club or being a participant in an event, a student gets to explore life beyond academics.
The Celebrations
Starting from celebrating birthdays to the famous L-Square and block parties, the campus is always buzzing. With three major fests being organised every year, the campus becomes more lively and a happening place full of energy and euphoria.
That’s Life at IIM Bangalore... :)