Interview ( 3 Panelists, 2M 1F, 35–40 mins)
Panelist 1:
1. What is machine learning?
2. Explain ML to a layman.
3. What do you do in your current job?.
4. Clients and hierarchy
5. Do you use ML in your job? ( Told about hackathon)
6. What parameters used in dataset?
7. ML algorithms used ?
8. How was data collected ?
9. How did it solve your business case study?
10. India vs US insurance sector
11. Challenges at workplace
12. Analytical tools
13. R vs python
14. Python libraries
Panelist 2:
1. Rural area have higher cancer patients than urban areas. Why could this happen?
2. Hypothesis if you want to prove it
3. Steps to collect relevant data
4. How will you arrive at this conclusion ?
5. How can the problem be mitigated ?
6. Digital devide
7. How should company market their products. Online or offline?
8. What parameters to decide ?
9. Targeted advertising and customer segmentation
10. Is offline advertising fading away. Yes or no.
11. How can this be stopped.
Panelist 3:
1. Sentiment analysis ( SOP based )
2. Net promoter score ( SOP based )
3. Is it reliable metrics ?
4. Significance of NPS
5. How can firms increase their NPS ?
6. Does NPS has any bias.
7. Farm laws
8. Why only Punjab and haryana are protesting against the laws.
9. What should government do?
10. MSP in deep
11. Arab Spring
12. Hobbies
Any question for us.
14th May 2021: Converted !!