Dilpreet Brar, an IIM Indore Alum, worked with Standard Chartered for 8 years, before moving to Conduent London, and then finally JP Morgan Chase. With close to a decade of experience in Finance and Banking, he brings an immense amount of insights about the financial sector, the way banking works, and what the future of finance and fintech looks like. If you're interested in building a career in finance, this video is certainly for you!
Dilpreet talks about the kind of skills and attitudes students should develop to make it big in the financial sector. He talks of the kind of technologies and softwares that are being developed, and how understanding those will give students an advantage. Next, he talks of our current situation (the COVID-19 pandemic), and how finance and fintech are affected by it.
Lastly, Dilpreet shares a comparison of how traditional banks function, as compared to new age finance companies. He then goes on to talk about how JP Morgan Chase came into his life and the interesting role that they were offering. Titled ‘Innovation Concept Manager/Product Innovation Manager', it offered him a very exciting opportunity that he seized. From there, he talks of the emerging trends of finance and fintech, and what the future possibly holds for these domains.
Watch the full video to get invaluable insights about Finance, Banking, Fintech, and much more!
This is Part 1 of Dilpreet's full interview. Stay tuned for Part 2!
What's This?
This is a new series of talks that we are doing amidst the coronavirus pandemic. Despite the lockdowns and the curfews, we are making all the efforts to ensure that you keep getting insightful and relevant content. So sit back and make the most of your social distancing with this episode of ‘Konversations in Quarantine'!
Key Takeaways:
1) Earlier what we had was an ‘Internet of Information'. With the increasing importance of data and information, today the internet has become an ‘Internet of Value'.
2) You need to figure out what used case you are solving for, what kind of competition is developing around it, and what are the new technologies that you can utilise?
3) Traditional Banking Giants and New Fintech Companies will never be at loggerheads because their models are very different.
4) Spend the first few years of your career trying out many different things and gaining experience. The next couple of years, you should focus on developing one primary skill that will be your forte.
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Also, check out the InsideIIM Finance Festival. This 15-day festival starting June 21st is designed for anyone who plans to work in the world of finance. This is where we help you understand the world of investment banking, stock markets, investing, and also help you learn the fundamentals of finance. You will learn from practicing experts from the industry and not get bland theoretical knowledge.
Find out more about it here: https://masterklassiff.questionpro.com
About Kounsel:
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