A toothpaste. A soap. Utensils. Cabs. Bottles. Things.
These solve real problems. But films? Zero on the problem solving scale. They're purely entertainment. Sometimes, you could say they document the world we live in. But ultimately, they have no real purpose right? There is a reason people call the TV an 'idiot box' after all.
So how do films stay relevant? And why is the film industry one of the most successful industries in the world? Diptakirti Chaudhuri, Head of Marketing, Manipal Global Education Services explains.
Check out the entire podcast here.
In this candid Konversations #Unplugged podcast with Diptakirti Chaudhuri, Head of Marketing, Manipal GLobal Education Services, find out all about the business of Bollywood, marketing fundas, our favourite films and film makers. Figure out some deep WHYs from our favourite movies in this podcast.