The Summer placement for a student is crucial. Internships that you do during your summer vacations are a great way to bridge the gap between the learning you gather from your b-school and the things you learn when working in real-life business. While students do summer internships to experience the rigours of a business organisation, the company is in it for a different reason. Summer Internship is a way for them to get a taste of the future talent and even think of making them a permanent employee (by offering a PPO) if the intern is really worth it. The old IIMs take the whole summer internship thing to a different level. They are not just visited by big-shot companies like Amazon, Uber, Bain, McKinsey, P&G, etc but the students also get offered INR 1 Lakh+ per month as stipend. Interested to know what went down in IIM BLACKI this time? Read this article to know more.
Summer Placement Report For Class 2021 | IIM BLACKI
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