First, there was the Opera. Plays, and live performances preceded the invention of the camera. But the camera brought the 70 mm silver screen to the world. And there was no looking back. Next? There was the cinema. Then eventually video cassettes. And now? The internet has revolutionised the way we consume films.
These days, we watch movies on the go. We are not limited to one TV. We watch on our computers, phones, tabs, and smart TVs. And now we have short films made and circulated purely online. We have channels like Netflix, TVF, Amazon Prime, FilterCopy, Konversations...
How has the business of Bollywood evolved with time? Diptakirti Chaudhuri, Head of Marketing, Manipal Global Education Services and cinema lover shares his opinion.
Check out the entire series here.
In this candid Konversations #Unplugged podcast with Diptakirti Chaudhuri, Head of Marketing, Manipal Global Education Services, find out all about the business of Bollywood, marketing fundas, our favourite films and film makers. Figure out some deep WHYs from our favourite movies in this podcast.