Now the boy has decided to take the control of his life and be the captain of his ship. He wants to enjoy the ride and make the most out of his journey. And the journey has been made somewhat easy in the past one month as a “ManDevIan”. The boy has been introduced to the real rigor of life where he has to prioritize the things as per his preferences. Coming here was the first decision, the boy took voluntarily and he hopes to reap the most out of it. He expects to be what he always wanted to be and give the most to the society and his Alma mater. In this phase of life, the CEO is the boy itself who doesn’t give any damn about his stock price anymore. All he wants is to live a life without fear of anything.
Well!! It was pretty obvious from the start that the boy is the writer himself – Prashant Mishra.
Kudos to the life ahead……!!!!!
ABG Company the boy wants to work for is……………………………. Idea Cellular
This is a company to which I can closely associate since I have been using this for quite a long time. Idea Abhishek Bachchan ads were one of the most common things you could see on the TV. The famous song was also used as ringtone by me in those times. Emotionally speaking, this is the brand which invokes nostalgic feeling especially the idea ringtone. Also, since the telecom industry is going through a lot of technological advancements post 4G inception I would like to work in this sector. I also believe that telecom sector can provide me new avenues of growth.