Without academics life will be a 0, at the same time without any extracurricular, life is just a 1”
You may be educated but that is not the best education. All together they make your life great!!”
IITB is a world in itself and SJMSOM is a small but important part of it; SOM has truly taught us time management – the balance between MBA rigour as well as personal development.
I personally learnt swimming as well tried my hands-on photography and dramatics; ended up becoming a media nominee for PG academic council and all this while winning competitions like Asian paints operations simulations and tonnes of love from professors in terms of assignments and presentations; Which I would not have thought of doing if it’s not for SJMSOM. It has helped me to get out of my comfort zone and explore different things.
IITB has given me kind of confidence that I can learn anything; it might end beautifully or a complete disaster, I have the courage to take the full ownership of it.
So, the uniqueness of my campus:
“It transforms personalities, you can never go back to how you’ve entered, and that change is astonishing.”
The ABG company I would want to work for – Idea cellular
So far, I have done a total of 4 internships with various brands such as PNB, NIIT, Publicis group and Idea cellular, and Idea cellular is the kind of company I would want to work for. That was my B.tech internship in the marketing domain. The knowledge that my team possessed was immense. Moreover, their down to earth nature which was because their mentors had treated them the same made, enabled me to learn from them. I would choose growing long-term instead of seeking short-term success. I think Idea will provide me that opportunity.
Kajal Vadher is a second year student at SJMSOM, IITB